Bogkulturen i Nordeuropa i 900- og 1000-Tallet
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1999). Bogkulturen i Nordeuropa i 900- og 1000-Tallet. In E. Petersen (Ed.), Levende Ord & Lysende Billeder: Den Middelalderlige Bogkultur i Danmark (23-51). The Royal Library , Moesgård Museum
Outputs (115)
Augustine of Canterbury: Context and Achievement (1999)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1999). Augustine of Canterbury: Context and Achievement. In R. Gameson (Ed.), St Augustine of Canterbury and the Conversion of England (1-40). Sutton Publishing Ltd
The Earliest Books of Christian Kent (1999)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1999). The Earliest Books of Christian Kent. In R. Gameson (Ed.), St Augustine of Canterbury and the Conversion of England (313-73). Sutton Publishing
La Bible de Saint-Vaast, Arras, et un manuscrit anglo-saxon de Boèce (1998)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (1998). La Bible de Saint-Vaast, Arras, et un manuscrit anglo-saxon de Boèce
English Book Collections in the Late Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries: Symeon's Durham and its Context (1998)
Book Chapter
Rollason, D. (1998). English Book Collections in the Late Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries: Symeon's Durham and its Context. In D. Rollason (Ed.), Symeon of Durham: historian of Durham and the North (230-53). Shaun Tyas
The Study of the Bayeux Tapestry (1997)
Gameson, R. (Ed.). (1997). The Study of the Bayeux Tapestry. Boydell & Brewer
The Origin, Art and Message of the Bayeux Tapestry (1997)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1997). The Origin, Art and Message of the Bayeux Tapestry. In R. Gameson (Ed.), The Study of the Bayeux Tapestry (157-211). Boydell & Brewer
The Gospels of Margaret of Scotland and the Literacy of an Early Medieval Queen (1997)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1997). The Gospels of Margaret of Scotland and the Literacy of an Early Medieval Queen. In L. Smith, & J. Taylor (Eds.), Women and The Book (148-71). University of Toronto Press
Wulf and Eadwacer, The Wife's Lament and the Discovery of the Individual in Old English Verse (1996)
Book Chapter
Gameson, F., & Gameson, R. (1996). Wulf and Eadwacer, The Wife's Lament and the Discovery of the Individual in Old English Verse. In J. Toswell, & E. Tyler (Eds.), Doubt Wisely: essays presented to E. G. Stanley (457-74). Routledge
Book Production and Decoration at Worcester in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries (1996)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1996). Book Production and Decoration at Worcester in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. In N. Brooks, & C. Cubitt (Eds.), St. Oswald of Worcester: Life and Influence (194-244). Leicester University Press
The Role of Art in the Late Anglo-Saxon Church (1995)
Gameson, R. (1995). The Role of Art in the Late Anglo-Saxon Church. OUP
Anglo-Norman Manuscripts (1995)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (1995). Anglo-Norman Manuscripts. Old English newsletter, 28(3), B23-B34
Alfred the Great and the Destruction and Production of Christian Books (1995)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (1995). Alfred the Great and the Destruction and Production of Christian Books
English Manuscript Art in the Late Eleventh Century: Canterbury and its Context (1995)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1995). English Manuscript Art in the Late Eleventh Century: Canterbury and its Context. In R. Eales, & R. Sharpe (Eds.), Canterbury and the Norman Conquest (95-144).
The Early Medieval Bible: Its Production, Decoration and Use (1994)
Gameson, R. (Ed.). (1994). The Early Medieval Bible: Its Production, Decoration and Use. Cambridge University Press
Barfreston Church (1994)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (1994). Barfreston Church. Archaeological Journal, 151, 15-16
The Anglo-Saxon Inscription at St Mary's Church, Breamore, Hampshire (1993)
Journal Article
Gameson, R., & Gameson, F. (1993). The Anglo-Saxon Inscription at St Mary's Church, Breamore, Hampshire
The Decoration of the Tanner Bede (1992)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (1992). The Decoration of the Tanner Bede. Anglo-Saxon England, 21, 115-59.
The Cost of the Codex Amiatinus (1992)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (1992). The Cost of the Codex Amiatinus. Notes & Queries, 237, 2-9
Manuscript Art at Christ Church, Canterbury, in the Generation after St Dunstan’ in St Dunstan, his life, times and cult (1992)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (1992). Manuscript Art at Christ Church, Canterbury, in the Generation after St Dunstan’ in St Dunstan, his life, times and cult. In N. Ramsay, M. Sparks, & T. W. Tatton-Brown (Eds.), St. Dunstan: His Life, Times and Cult (187-220). Boydell Press