The Thorney Liber Vitae: planning, production and palaeography
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2015). The Thorney Liber Vitae: planning, production and palaeography. In L. Rollason (Ed.), The Thorney Liber Vitae, British Library Add. MS 40,000. Edition, Facsimile and Study (115-124). Boydell & Brewer
Outputs (115)
History of the Manuscript to the Reformation (2015)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2015). History of the Manuscript to the Reformation. In C. Breay, & B. Meehan (Eds.), The St Cuthbert Gospel: studies on the Insular Manuscripts of the Gospel of John (129-136). British Library
Materials, Text, Layout and Script (2015)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2015). Materials, Text, Layout and Script. In C. Breay, & B. Meehan (Eds.), The St Cuthbert Gospel: studies on the Insular Manuscripts of the Gospel of John (13-39, 171-183). British Library
The Cathedral's Earliest Books (2015)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2015). The Cathedral's Earliest Books. In D. Brown (Ed.), Durham Cathedral: history, fabric and culture (398-421, 548-551). Yale
The Image of the Medieval Library (2015)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2015). The Image of the Medieval Library. In A. Crawford (Ed.), The Meaning of the Library: a cultural history (31-71). Princeton University Press
The Manuscript Context: the Thorney Gospels (2015)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2015). The Manuscript Context: the Thorney Gospels. In L. Rollason (Ed.), The Thorney Liber Vitae (London, British Library, Additional MS 40,000, fols 1-12r) Edition, Facsimile and Study (20-52). Boydell & Brewer
Pigments of the Earliest Northumbrian Manuscripts (2015)
Journal Article
Gameson, R., Beeby, A., Duckworth, A., & Nicholson, C. (2015). Pigments of the Earliest Northumbrian Manuscripts. Scriptorium (Gent), 69, 33-59This article reports the findings of a campaign of non-destructive pigment analysis on a group of seventh- and eighth-century Northumbrian manuscripts, including the Durham Gospels. Integrating this critical mass of new information with the previousl... Read More about Pigments of the Earliest Northumbrian Manuscripts.
Durham's Paris Bible and the Use of the Bible in a late Medieval Benedictine Community (2013)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2013). Durham's Paris Bible and the Use of the Bible in a late Medieval Benedictine Community. In E. Poleg, & L. Light (Eds.), Form and Function of the late Medieval Bible (67-104). Brill Academic Publishers
From Holy Island to Durham: the contexts and meanings of the Lindisfarne Gospels (2013)
Gameson, R. (2013). From Holy Island to Durham: the contexts and meanings of the Lindisfarne Gospels. Third Millennium Publishing
The Earliest English Royal Books (2013)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2013). The Earliest English Royal Books. In K. Doyle, & S. McKendrick (Eds.), A Thousand Years of Royal Books and Manuscripts (3-35). British Library
The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. Volume 1: c.400-1100 (2012)
Gameson, R. (Ed.). (2012). The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. Volume 1: c.400-1100. Cambridge University Press.
The Study of Early British Books (2012)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2012). The Study of Early British Books. In R. Gameson (Ed.), The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain volume I: c. 400-1100 (709-722). Cambridge University Press
Book Decoration in England c. 871-c. 1100 (2012)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2012). Book Decoration in England c. 871-c. 1100. In R. Gameson (Ed.), The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain volume I: c. 400-1100 (249-293). Cambridge University Press
The Circulation of Books between England and the Continent c. 871-c. 1100 (2012)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2012). The Circulation of Books between England and the Continent c. 871-c. 1100. In R. Gameson (Ed.), The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain volume I: c. 400-1100 (344-372). Cambridge University Press
Anglo-Saxon Scribes and Scriptoria (2012)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2012). Anglo-Saxon Scribes and Scriptoria. In R. Gameson (Ed.), The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain volume I: c. 400-1100 (94-120). Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain volume I, c. 400-1100 (2012)
Gameson, R. (Ed.). (2012). The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain volume I, c. 400-1100. Cambridge University Press
The Archaeology of the Anglo-Saxon Book (2011)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2011). The Archaeology of the Anglo-Saxon Book. In S. Foster, H. Hamerow, & D. Hinton (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology (815-841). Oxford University Press
An Itinerant English Master around the Millennium (2010)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2010). An Itinerant English Master around the Millennium. In D. Rollason, C. Leyser, & H. Williams (Eds.), England and the Continent in the Tenth Century: studies in honour of Wilhelm Levison (1876-1947) (87-134). Brepols Publishers.
Manuscript Treasures of Durham Cathedral (2010)
Gameson, R. (2010). Manuscript Treasures of Durham Cathedral. III Millennium
The last Chi-rho in the West: from Insular to Anglo-Saxon in the Boulogne 10 Gospels. (2009)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (2009). The last Chi-rho in the West: from Insular to Anglo-Saxon in the Boulogne 10 Gospels. Anglo-Saxon studies in archaeology and history, 16, 89-107