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Outputs (115)

Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: the physical fabric of the fables (2023)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2023). Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: the physical fabric of the fables. In G. Small (Ed.), Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458 - c. 1550). Brepols Publishers

The present chapter offers an analytical account of the material fabric of Glasgow University Library, Hunter 252 (U.4.2), the only extant manuscript copy of Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. We shall examine in turn the parchment and preparation of the... Read More about Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: the physical fabric of the fables.

Gospels of Augustine (2021)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2021). Gospels of Augustine. In S. Panayotova (Ed.), The Art & Science of Illuminated Manuscripts: A Handbook. Brepols/Harvey Miller

Pope's Chaucer (2021)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2022). Pope's Chaucer. In C. Saunders, R. Lawrie, & L. Atkinson (Eds.), Middle English Manuscripts and their Legacies (237-254). Brill Academic Publishers.

Oxford, Trinity College, MS 49, produced in the second half of the fifteenth century, probably before 1483, is one of the most divergent and least studied copies of The Canterbury Tales (plate 10.1).1 Even for a work that was left unfinished, without... Read More about Pope's Chaucer.

Writing at Wearmouth-Jarrow (2021)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2021). Writing at Wearmouth-Jarrow. In C. Breay, & J. Story (Eds.), Manuscripts in the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: Cultures and connections. Four Courts Press

The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography (2020)
Journal Article
Gameson, R., & Gameson, F. (2020). The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography. History, 105(367), 567-587.

Bede was (and is) justly renowned for his scholarship and admired for his piety; an early cult, such as it was, proved abortive and he was never canonised. Nevertheless, he was subsequently the subject of a Vita which, in sharp contrast to his own au... Read More about The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography.

The Admiral, the Virgin, and the Spectrometer: Observations on the Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, W082) (2020)
Journal Article
Gameson, R., Nicholson, C., & Beeby, A. (2020). The Admiral, the Virgin, and the Spectrometer: Observations on the Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, W082). Gesta, 59(2), 203-231.

This article examines the nature and implications of the extensive Marian texts and imagery in the mid-fifteenth-century Parisian Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, MS W082), and reports the findings from scientific investigation of the i... Read More about The Admiral, the Virgin, and the Spectrometer: Observations on the Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, W082).

‘Becket in Horae: the commemoration of the saint in private prayer books of the later middle ages’ (2020)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (2020). ‘Becket in Horae: the commemoration of the saint in private prayer books of the later middle ages’. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 173(1), 143-173.

This article examines the ways in which Thomas Becket was commemorated in books of hours (horae) of different Uses, and explores the nature and implications of the texts and images associated with such commemorations.

The Palaeography of the Inscriptions (2019)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2019). The Palaeography of the Inscriptions. In C. Fern, T. Dickinson, & L. Webster (Eds.), The Staffordshire hoard : an Anglo-Saxon treasure. Society of Antiquaries

The Colophons of Codex Amiatinus (2019)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2019). The Colophons of Codex Amiatinus. In U. Lenker, & L. Cornexl (Eds.), Anglo-Saxon micro-texts (89-116). De Gruyter.

A few of the many rubrics in Codex Amiatinus include colophonic phrases. This article investigates their nature (generally formulaic and conventional) and the various factors that may lie behind their inclusion, highlighting the possible contribution... Read More about The Colophons of Codex Amiatinus.

The Colour of the Law (2018)
Journal Article
Gameson, R., & Marucci, G. (2018). The Colour of the Law. Codices manuscripti, 112/113, 13-45

Aldred's Red Gloss (2017)
Book Chapter
Beeby, A., Gameson, R., Nicholson, C., & Parker, A. (2017). Aldred's Red Gloss. In The Lindisfarne Gospels. New Perspectives (200-205). Brill Academic Publishers

New light on old illuminations (2017)
Journal Article
Beeby, A., Gameson, R., & Nicholson, C. (2018). New light on old illuminations. Archives and Records, 39(2), 244-256.

This article describes a unique suite of mobile equipment designed for non-invasive, non-destructive identification of the inks and pigments in medieval manuscripts. It explains the circumstances which led to the development of the equipment, outline... Read More about New light on old illuminations.

Illuminators' Pigments in Lancastrian England (2016)
Journal Article
Beeby, A., Gameson, R., & Nicholson, C. (2016). Illuminators' Pigments in Lancastrian England. Manuscripta, 60(2), 143-164.

The pigments used in four high-status, datable, late medieval English manuscripts are identified by scientific methods. The palette and painting techniques of the illuminators responsible are studied individually then comparatively.