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Outputs (5)

The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography (2020)
Journal Article
Gameson, R., & Gameson, F. (2020). The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography. History, 105(367), 567-587.

Bede was (and is) justly renowned for his scholarship and admired for his piety; an early cult, such as it was, proved abortive and he was never canonised. Nevertheless, he was subsequently the subject of a Vita which, in sharp contrast to his own au... Read More about The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography.

The Admiral, the Virgin, and the Spectrometer: Observations on the Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, W082) (2020)
Journal Article
Gameson, R., Nicholson, C., & Beeby, A. (2020). The Admiral, the Virgin, and the Spectrometer: Observations on the Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, W082). Gesta, 59(2), 203-231.

This article examines the nature and implications of the extensive Marian texts and imagery in the mid-fifteenth-century Parisian Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, MS W082), and reports the findings from scientific investigation of the i... Read More about The Admiral, the Virgin, and the Spectrometer: Observations on the Coëtivy Hours (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, W082).

‘Becket in Horae: the commemoration of the saint in private prayer books of the later middle ages’ (2020)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (2020). ‘Becket in Horae: the commemoration of the saint in private prayer books of the later middle ages’. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 173(1), 143-173.

This article examines the ways in which Thomas Becket was commemorated in books of hours (horae) of different Uses, and explores the nature and implications of the texts and images associated with such commemorations.