Treasures of Durham University Library
Gameson, R. (Ed.). (2007). Treasures of Durham University Library. Third Millennium and Durham University
Outputs (7)
The Earliest Books of Arras Cathedral (2007)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (2007). The Earliest Books of Arras Cathedral
From Symeon to Hoccleve: five medieval manuscripts in Durham University (2007)
Journal Article
Gameson, R. (2007). From Symeon to Hoccleve: five medieval manuscripts in Durham University
The Script of the Original Core (2007)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2007). The Script of the Original Core. In D. Rollason, & L. Rollason (Eds.), The Durham Liber Vitae (58-65). (I). British Library
The history of the book (2007)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2007). The history of the book. In A. Deyermond (Ed.), A Century of British Medieval Studies (701-35). Oxford University Press and the British Academy
The script of the orginal core (2007)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2007). The script of the orginal core. In D. Rollason, & L. Rollason (Eds.), The Durham Liber Vitae (58-65). British Library
The Oldest Medieval Manuscript in New Zealand: Dunedin Public Library, Reed Collection 1 (2007)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2007). The Oldest Medieval Manuscript in New Zealand: Dunedin Public Library, Reed Collection 1. In A. Barrett, & S. Hollis (Eds.), Migrations: Medieval Manuscripts in New Zealand (147-64). Cambridge Scholars Publishing