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Outputs (22)

Mobile phones, gender, and female empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa: studies with African youth (2019)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., De Lannoy, A., Tanle, A., & Owusu, S. (2020). Mobile phones, gender, and female empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa: studies with African youth. Information Technology for Development, 26(1), 180-193.

Data from qualitative and survey research with young people in 24 locations (urban and rural) across Ghana, Malawi, and South Africa expose the complex interplay between phone ownership and usage, female empowerment, and chronic poverty in Africa. We... Read More about Mobile phones, gender, and female empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa: studies with African youth.

Youth livelihoods in the cellphone era: perspectives from urban Africa (2018)
Journal Article
Porter, G., & Hampshire, K. (2018). Youth livelihoods in the cellphone era: perspectives from urban Africa. Journal of International Development, 30(4), 539-558.

Issues surrounding youth employment and unemployment are central to the next development decade. Understanding how youth use mobile phones as a means of communicating and exchanging information about employment and livelihoods is particularly importa... Read More about Youth livelihoods in the cellphone era: perspectives from urban Africa.

Intergenerational relations and the power of the cell phone: perspectives on young people’s phone usage in Sub-Saharan Africa (2015)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Bango, A., …Milner, J. (2015). Intergenerational relations and the power of the cell phone: perspectives on young people’s phone usage in Sub-Saharan Africa. Geoforum, 64, 37-46.

Cell phones present new forms of sociality and new possibilities of encounter for young people across the globe. Nowhere is this more evident than in sub-Saharan Africa where the scale of usage, even among the very poor, is remarkable. In this paper... Read More about Intergenerational relations and the power of the cell phone: perspectives on young people’s phone usage in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Mobile phones and education in sub-Saharan Africa: from youth practice to public policy (2015)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Milner, J., Munthali, A., Robson, E., De Lannoy, A., …Abane, A. (2016). Mobile phones and education in sub-Saharan Africa: from youth practice to public policy. Journal of International Development, 28(1), 22-39.

Young people's use of mobile phones is expanding exponentially across Africa. Its transformative potential is exciting, but findings presented in this paper indicate how the downside of mobile phone use in African schools is becoming increasingly app... Read More about Mobile phones and education in sub-Saharan Africa: from youth practice to public policy.

Health impacts of pedestrian headloading: a review of the evidence with particular reference to women and children in sub-Saharan Africa (2013)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Dunn, C., Hall, R., Levesley, M., Burton, K., …Panther, J. (2013). Health impacts of pedestrian headloading: a review of the evidence with particular reference to women and children in sub-Saharan Africa. Social Science & Medicine, 88, 90-97.

Across sub-Saharan Africa, women and children play major roles as pedestrian load-transporters, in the widespread absence of basic sanitation services, electricity and affordable/reliable motorised transport. The majority of loads, including water an... Read More about Health impacts of pedestrian headloading: a review of the evidence with particular reference to women and children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Out of the reach of children? Young people’s health-seeking practices and agency in Africa’s newly-emerging therapeutic landscapes (2011)
Journal Article
Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Owusu, S., Tanle, A., & Abane, A. (2011). Out of the reach of children? Young people’s health-seeking practices and agency in Africa’s newly-emerging therapeutic landscapes. Social Science & Medicine, 73(5), 702-710.

Despite a dominant view within Western biomedicine that children and medicines should be kept apart, a growing literature suggests that children and adolescents often take active roles in health-seeking. Here, we consider young people’s health-seekin... Read More about Out of the reach of children? Young people’s health-seeking practices and agency in Africa’s newly-emerging therapeutic landscapes.

Mobility, education and livelihood trajectories for young people in rural Ghana: a gender perspective (2011)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Tanle, A., Esia-Donkoh, K., Amoako, S., …Owusu, S. (2011). Mobility, education and livelihood trajectories for young people in rural Ghana: a gender perspective. Children's Geographies, 9(3-4), 395-410.

This paper examines the gendered implications of Africa's transport gap (the lack of cheap, regular and reliable transport) for young people in rural Ghana, with particular reference to the linkages between restricted mobility, household work demands... Read More about Mobility, education and livelihood trajectories for young people in rural Ghana: a gender perspective.

Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa (2011)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Munthali, A., & Robson, E. (2011). Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa. Surveillance & Society, 9(1/2), 114-131

Surveillance of children and young people in non-Western contexts has received little attention in the literature. In this paper we draw principally on our research in one African country, Malawi, to examine the ways in which their independent travel... Read More about Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa.

‘Youthscapes’ and escapes in rural Africa: education, mobility and livelihood trajectories for young people in Eastern Cape, South Africa (2010)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Mashiri, M., Dube, S., & Maponya, G. (2010). ‘Youthscapes’ and escapes in rural Africa: education, mobility and livelihood trajectories for young people in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Journal of International Development, 22(8), 1090-1101.

This paper draws attention to the significance of mobility in shaping the educational and livelihood trajectories of rural young people in sub-Saharan Africa, with particular reference to a case study in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Young rural people... Read More about ‘Youthscapes’ and escapes in rural Africa: education, mobility and livelihood trajectories for young people in Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Proposing love on the way to school: daily mobility, sexuality and youth transitions in South Africa. (2010)
Journal Article
Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Mashiri, M., Dube, S., & Maponya, G. (2011). Proposing love on the way to school: daily mobility, sexuality and youth transitions in South Africa. Applied financial economics, 13(2), 217-231.

Young people's daily mobility in sub-Saharan Africa remains largely invisible and under-researched. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from the Child Mobility Project in South Africa, we show how young people's daily journeys (to school and... Read More about Proposing love on the way to school: daily mobility, sexuality and youth transitions in South Africa..

Children as Research Collaborators: Issues and Reflections from a Mobility Study in Sub-Saharan Africa (2010)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Bourdillon, M., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Abane, A., & Mashiri, M. (2010). Children as Research Collaborators: Issues and Reflections from a Mobility Study in Sub-Saharan Africa. American Journal of Community Psychology, 46(1-2), 215-227.

This paper reflects on issues raised by work with children in an ongoing child mobility study in three sub-Saharan African countries: Ghana, Malawi and South Africa. There are now 70 school pupils of varying ages involved in the project, but the pape... Read More about Children as Research Collaborators: Issues and Reflections from a Mobility Study in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban Africa (2010)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Mashiri, M., & Tanle, A. (2010). Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban Africa. Geoforum, 41(5), 796-804.

This paper explores young people’s experiences and perceptions of mobility and mobility constraints in poorer urban areas of Ghana, Malawi and South Africa within the specific context of inter-generational relations. Drawing principally on qualitativ... Read More about Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban Africa.

Where dogs, ghosts and lions roam: learning from mobile ethnographies on the journey to school (2010)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., & Maponya, G. (2010). Where dogs, ghosts and lions roam: learning from mobile ethnographies on the journey to school. Children's Geographies, 8(2), 91-105.

This paper draws on mobility research conducted with children in three countries: Ghana, Malawi and South Africa. It has two interlinked aims: to highlight the potential that mobile interviews can offer in research with young people, especially in re... Read More about Where dogs, ghosts and lions roam: learning from mobile ethnographies on the journey to school.

‘Doing it right?’: working with young researchers in Malawi to investigate children, transport and mobility. (2009)
Journal Article
Robson, E., Porter, G., Hampshire, K., & Bourdillon, M. (2009). ‘Doing it right?’: working with young researchers in Malawi to investigate children, transport and mobility. Children's Geographies, 7(4), 467-480.

This paper explores involving children in Malawi in research about young people, mobility and transport, respecting their rights of participation, education, and protection from exploitation. The Malawi study forms one component of a research project... Read More about ‘Doing it right?’: working with young researchers in Malawi to investigate children, transport and mobility..