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Outputs (6)

Understanding levels of online participation in the U.K. museum sector (2023)
Journal Article
Charlesworth, E., Beresford, A. M., Warwick, C., & Impett, L. (online). Understanding levels of online participation in the U.K. museum sector. Museum Management and Curatorship,

COVID-19 has undeniably affected museums’ online content, yet attempts to identify or understand sector trends have been hampered by a lack of data. This paper uses a representative sample of 315 U.K. museums to create a much-needed benchmark against... Read More about Understanding levels of online participation in the U.K. museum sector.

Aesthetic Appreciation and Spanish Art: Insights from Eye-Tracking (2019)
Journal Article
Bailey-Ross, C., Beresford, A., Smith, D., & Warwick, C. (2019). Aesthetic Appreciation and Spanish Art: Insights from Eye-Tracking. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 34(Supplement 1), i17-i35.

Eye-tracking—the process of capturing and measuring human eye movement—is becoming an increasingly prevalent tool in the cultural heritage sector to understand visual processing and audience behaviours. Yet, most applications to date have focused on... Read More about Aesthetic Appreciation and Spanish Art: Insights from Eye-Tracking.

Engaging the museum space: Mobilizing visitor engagement with digital content creation (2016)
Journal Article
Bailey-Ross, C., Gray, S., Ashby, J., Terras, M., Hudson-Smith, A., & Warwick, C. (2017). Engaging the museum space: Mobilizing visitor engagement with digital content creation. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 32(4), 689-708.

In recent years, public engagement is increasingly viewed as more than an ‘additional extra’ in academia. In the UK, it is becoming more common for research projects to embrace public engagement with the belief that it informs research, enhances teac... Read More about Engaging the museum space: Mobilizing visitor engagement with digital content creation.

Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists (2011)
Journal Article
Ross, C., Terras, M., Warwick, C., & Welsh, A. (2011). Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists. Journal of Documentation, 67(2), 214-237.

Purpose – To date, few studies have been undertaken to make explicit how microblogging technologies are used by and can benefit scholars. This paper aims to investigate the use of Twitter by an academic community in various conference settings, and t... Read More about Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists.

Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ross, C., Terras, M., Warwick, C., & Welsh, A. (2010, July). Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists. Presented at Digital Humanities 2010, London

Microblogging, a variant of a blogging which allows users to quickly post short updates to websites such as, has recently emerged as a dominant form of information interchange and interaction for academic communities. To date, few studies... Read More about Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists..