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Outputs (2)

Quantitative High Dynamic Range Beam Proling for Fluorescence Microscopy (2014)
Journal Article
Mitchell, T., Saunter, C., O'Nions, W., Girkin, J., & Love, G. (2014). Quantitative High Dynamic Range Beam Proling for Fluorescence Microscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(10), Article 103713.

Modern developmental biology relies on optically-sectioning uorescence microscope techniques to produce non-destructive in-vivo images of developing specimens at high resolution in three dimensions. As optimal performance of these techniques is relia... Read More about Quantitative High Dynamic Range Beam Proling for Fluorescence Microscopy.

Combining optical trapping in a microfluidic channel with simultaneous micro-Raman spectroscopy and motion detection (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lawton, P., Saunter, C., & Girkin, J. (2014, March). Combining optical trapping in a microfluidic channel with simultaneous micro-Raman spectroscopy and motion detection. Presented at Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XII, San Francisco, California, United States

Since their invention by Ashkin optical tweezers have demonstrated their ability and versatility as a non-invasive tool for micromanipulation. One of the most useful additions to the basic optical tweezers system is micro-Raman spectroscopy, which pe... Read More about Combining optical trapping in a microfluidic channel with simultaneous micro-Raman spectroscopy and motion detection.