'Histrio and Historian: Imperial Symbolism in the Gedechtnus Works of Maximilian I'.
Book Chapter
Ravelhofer, B. (2005). 'Histrio and Historian: Imperial Symbolism in the Gedechtnus Works of Maximilian I'. In R. Suntrup, J. Veenstra, & E. A. Bollmann (Eds.), The Mediation of Symbol in Late Medieval and Early Modern Times - Medien der Symbolik in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (257-273). Peter Lang
Outputs (4)
Variatio alla turca: Byron's The Giaour (2005)
Book Chapter
Ravelhofer, B. (2005). Variatio alla turca: Byron's The Giaour. In C. Jansohn, & E. B. Plachta (Eds.), Varianten - Variants - Variantes (157-165). Niemeyer
‘“Beasts of Recreacion”: Henslowe’s White Bears.’ (2005)
Journal Article
Ravelhofer, B. (2005). ‘“Beasts of Recreacion”: Henslowe’s White Bears.’. English Literary Renaissance, 32(2), 287-323. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6757.00012
Oral Poetry and the Printing Press in Byron's The Giaour (1813) (2005)
Journal Article
Ravelhofer, B. (2005). Oral Poetry and the Printing Press in Byron's The Giaour (1813). Romanticism, 11(1), 23-40. https://doi.org/10.3366/rom.2005.11.1.23