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Standing Buildings and Built Heritage (2016)
Journal Article
Green, A., & Dixon, J. (2016). Standing Buildings and Built Heritage. Post-Medieval Archaeology, 50(1), 121-133.

This essay examines the available archive of articles on standing buildings published in Post-Medieval Archaeology. After setting out some general trends evident in a brief analysis of the number of buildings archaeology articles published over the l... Read More about Standing Buildings and Built Heritage.

Building for England: John Cosin's Architecture in Renaissance Durham and Cambridge (2016)
Green, A. (2016). Building for England: John Cosin's Architecture in Renaissance Durham and Cambridge. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies

Cosin, a leading cleric in seventeenth-century England, rode the changing tides of preference under James I and Charles I, endured exile during the Interregnum, and finally became Bishop of Durham at the Restoration. Inspired by the architecture of D... Read More about Building for England: John Cosin's Architecture in Renaissance Durham and Cambridge.