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Amy Etherington's Outputs (4)

Scanning for dark matter subhaloes in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of 54 strong lenses (2023)
Journal Article
Nightingale, J. W., He, Q., Cao, X., Amvrosiadis, A., Etherington, A., Frenk, C. S., Hayes, R. G., Robertson, A., Cole, S., Lange, S., Li, R., & Massey, R. (2024). Scanning for dark matter subhaloes in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of 54 strong lenses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(4), 10480-10506.

The cold dark matter (DM) model predicts that every galaxy contains thousands of DM subhaloes; almost all other DM models include a physical process that smooths away the subhaloes. The subhaloes are invisible, but could be detected via strong gravit... Read More about Scanning for dark matter subhaloes in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of 54 strong lenses.

Abell 1201: detection of an ultramassive black hole in a strong gravitational lens (2023)
Journal Article
Nightingale, J., Smith, R. J., He, Q., O’Riordan, C. M., Kegerreis, J. A., Amvrosiadis, A., Edge, A. C., Etherington, A., Hayes, R. G., Kelly, A., Lucey, J. R., & Massey, R. J. (2023). Abell 1201: detection of an ultramassive black hole in a strong gravitational lens. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(3), 3298-3322.

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are a key catalyst of galaxy formation and evolution, leading to an observed correlation between SMBH mass MBH and host galaxy velocity dispersion σe. Outside the local Universe, measurements of MBH are usually only p... Read More about Abell 1201: detection of an ultramassive black hole in a strong gravitational lens.

Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing (2023)
Journal Article
Etherington, A., Nightingale, J. W., Massey, R., Robertson, A., Cao, X., Amvrosiadis, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C. S., He, Q., Lagattuta, D. J., Lange, S., & Li, R. (2023). Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(4), 6005-6018.

Observations suggest that the dark matter and stars in early-type galaxies ‘conspire’ to produce a surprisingly simple distribution of total mass, ρ(r) ∝ ρ−γ, with γ ≈ 2. We measure the distribution of mass in 48 early-type galaxies that gravitationa... Read More about Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing.

PyAutoGalaxy: Open-Source Multiwavelength Galaxy Structure & Morphology (2023)
Journal Article
Nightingale, J. W., Amvrosiadis, A., Hayes, R. G., He, Q., Etherington, A., Cao, X., Cole, S., Frawley, J., Frenk, C. S., Lange, S., Li, R., Massey, R. J., Negrello, M., & Robertson, A. (2023). PyAutoGalaxy: Open-Source Multiwavelength Galaxy Structure & Morphology. The Journal of Open Source Software, 8(81), Article 4475.

Nearly a century ago, Edwin Hubble famously classified galaxies into three distinct groups: ellipticals, spirals and irregulars (Hubble, 1926). Today, by analysing millions of galaxies with advanced image processing techniques Astronomers have expand... Read More about PyAutoGalaxy: Open-Source Multiwavelength Galaxy Structure & Morphology.