Investigating the Effects of Interaction of Single-Tine and Rotating-Tine Mechanisms with Soil on Weeding Performance Using Simulated Weeds
Journal Article
Kshetri, S., Jiken, J. J., Steward, B. L., Tang, L., & Tekeste, M. Z. (2019). Investigating the Effects of Interaction of Single-Tine and Rotating-Tine Mechanisms with Soil on Weeding Performance Using Simulated Weeds. Transactions of the ASABE, 62(5), 1283-1291.
Mechanical weeding augmented with automation technology should result in highly effective weeding systems. However, the interaction between weeding mechanisms and soil is not well understood. Moreover, soil is highly variable, which makes studying th... Read More about Investigating the Effects of Interaction of Single-Tine and Rotating-Tine Mechanisms with Soil on Weeding Performance Using Simulated Weeds.