Intermediality and Decadent Performance in Anita Berber and Sebastian Droste’s Die Tänze des Lasters, des Grauens und der Ekstase (1923)
Journal Article
Herold-Zanker, K. (2021). Intermediality and Decadent Performance in Anita Berber and Sebastian Droste’s Die Tänze des Lasters, des Grauens und der Ekstase (1923).
Dr Katharina Herold-Zanker's Outputs (7)
Germany: Decadence from the Wilhelmine Empire to the Weimar Republic (2021)
Book Chapter
Herold, K. (2021). Germany: Decadence from the Wilhelmine Empire to the Weimar Republic. In J. Desmarais, & D. Weir (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Decadence.
Allegories on the international scene: Vernon Lee’s, Mina Loy’s, and Else Lasker-Schüler’s war plays (2021)
Journal Article
Herold, K. (2021). Allegories on the international scene: Vernon Lee’s, Mina Loy’s, and Else Lasker-Schüler’s war plays. Feminist Modernist Studies, 4(2), 203-21.
“Against Civilisation”: Symons, the Gypsy Lore, and Politicised Aestheticism (2018)
Book Chapter
Herold, K. (2018). “Against Civilisation”: Symons, the Gypsy Lore, and Politicised Aestheticism. In E. Bizzotto, & S. Evangelista (Eds.), Arthur Symons: Poet, Critic, Vagabond (145-59).
Smell and Social Life: Aspects of English, French and German Literature (1880–1939)
Herold, K., & Krause, F. (Eds.). Smell and Social Life: Aspects of English, French and German Literature (1880–1939). iudicium
'Dancing the Image: Sensoriality and Kinesthetics in the Poetry of Stephane Mallarmé and Arthur Symons’
Book Chapter
Herold, K. 'Dancing the Image: Sensoriality and Kinesthetics in the Poetry of Stephane Mallarmé and Arthur Symons’. In Decadence and the Senses (141-61).
Socio-aesthetic Histories: Vienna 1900 and Weimar Berlin
Book Chapter
Herold, K. Socio-aesthetic Histories: Vienna 1900 and Weimar Berlin. In Decadence and Literature (283-99).