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Christophe Patterson's Outputs (4)

A chromosome-level genome assembly for the smoky rubyspot damselfly (Hetaerina titia) (2023)
Journal Article
Patterson, C. W., Bonillas-Monge, E., Brennan, A., Grether, G. F., Mendoza-Cuenca, L., Tucker, R., …Drury, J. (2024). A chromosome-level genome assembly for the smoky rubyspot damselfly (Hetaerina titia). Journal of Heredity, 115(1),

Smoky rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina titia Drury, 1773) are one of the most commonly encountered odonates along streams and rivers on both slopes of Central America and the Atlantic drainages in the US and southern Canada. Owing to their highly vari... Read More about A chromosome-level genome assembly for the smoky rubyspot damselfly (Hetaerina titia).

Interspecific behavioural interference and range dynamics: current insights and future directions (2023)
Journal Article
Patterson, C. W., & Drury, J. P. (2024). Interspecific behavioural interference and range dynamics: current insights and future directions. Biological Reviews, 98(6), 2012-2027.

Novel biotic interactions in shifting communities play a key role in determining the ability of species' ranges to track suitable habitat. To date, the impact of biotic interactions on range dynamics have predominantly been studied in the context of... Read More about Interspecific behavioural interference and range dynamics: current insights and future directions.

A meta-analysis of biological impacts of artificial light at night (2020)
Journal Article
Sanders, D., Frago, E., Kehoe, R., Patterson, C., & Gaston, K. J. (2021). A meta-analysis of biological impacts of artificial light at night. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5(1),

Natural light cycles are being eroded over large areas of the globe by the direct emissions and sky brightening that result from sources of artificial night-time light. This is predicted to affect wild organisms, particularly because of the central r... Read More about A meta-analysis of biological impacts of artificial light at night.