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Dr Lauren Marshall's Outputs (4)

Utilising a multi-proxy to model comparison to constrain the season and regionally heterogeneous impacts of the Mt Samalas 1257 eruption (2024)
Journal Article
Wainman, L., Marshall, L. R., & Schmidt, A. (2024). Utilising a multi-proxy to model comparison to constrain the season and regionally heterogeneous impacts of the Mt Samalas 1257 eruption. Climate of the Past, 20(4), 951-968.

The Mt Samalas eruption, thought to have occurred in summer 1257, ranks as one of the most explosive sulfur-rich eruptions of the Common Era. Despite recent convergence, several dates have been proposed for the eruption ranging between 1256–1258, wit... Read More about Utilising a multi-proxy to model comparison to constrain the season and regionally heterogeneous impacts of the Mt Samalas 1257 eruption.

Climate Projections Very Likely Underestimate Future Volcanic Forcing and Its Climatic Effects (2023)
Journal Article
Chim, M. M., Aubry, T. J., Abraham, N. L., Marshall, L., Mulcahy, J., Walton, J., & Schmidt, A. (2023). Climate Projections Very Likely Underestimate Future Volcanic Forcing and Its Climatic Effects. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(12), Article e2023GL103743.

Standard climate projections represent future volcanic eruptions by a constant forcing inferred from 1850 to 2014 volcanic forcing. Using the latest ice-core and satellite records to design stochastic eruption scenarios, we show that there is a 95% p... Read More about Climate Projections Very Likely Underestimate Future Volcanic Forcing and Its Climatic Effects.

The effect of uncertainties in natural forcing records on simulated temperature during the last millennium (2023)
Journal Article
Lücke, L. J., Schurer, A. P., Toohey, M., Marshall, L. R., & Hegerl, G. C. (2023). The effect of uncertainties in natural forcing records on simulated temperature during the last millennium. Climate of the Past, 19(5), 959-978.

Here we investigate how uncertainties in the solar and volcanic forcing records of the past millennium affect the large-scale temperature response using a two-box impulse response model. We use different published solar forcing records and present a... Read More about The effect of uncertainties in natural forcing records on simulated temperature during the last millennium.

On the magnitude and sensitivity of the quasi-biennial oscillation response to a tropical volcanic eruption (2023)
Journal Article
Brown, F., Marshall, L., Haynes, P. H., Garcia, R. R., Birner, T., & Schmidt, A. (2023). On the magnitude and sensitivity of the quasi-biennial oscillation response to a tropical volcanic eruption. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(9), 5335-5353.

Volcanic eruptions that inject sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere have the potential to alter large-scale circulation patterns, such as the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), which can affect weather and transport of chemical species. Here, we condu... Read More about On the magnitude and sensitivity of the quasi-biennial oscillation response to a tropical volcanic eruption.