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Professor Fuschia Sirois' Outputs (2)

Self-compassion Improves Parental Well-being in Response to Challenging Parenting Events (2017)
Journal Article
Sirois, F. M., Bögels, S., & Emerson, L.-M. (2018). Self-compassion Improves Parental Well-being in Response to Challenging Parenting Events. The Journal of Psychology, 153(3),

Shame and guilt are common during the course of parenting and can reflect feelings of “bad self “and “bad behaviour” in relation to parenting events. Self-compassion is known to be beneficial for well-being by reducing negative emotions, yet there is... Read More about Self-compassion Improves Parental Well-being in Response to Challenging Parenting Events.

“At least David Cameron resigned”: The protective effects of just-world beliefs for counterfactual thinking after Brexit (2017)
Journal Article
Sirois, F. M., & Iyer, A. (2018). “At least David Cameron resigned”: The protective effects of just-world beliefs for counterfactual thinking after Brexit. Personality and Individual Differences, 121,

Following an unexpected geo-political event, such as the United Kingdom's June 2016 referendum vote to leave the European Union (“Brexit”), people will make counterfactuals that mentally undo the outcome and imagine what might have been had the outco... Read More about “At least David Cameron resigned”: The protective effects of just-world beliefs for counterfactual thinking after Brexit.