Resolving issues with environmental impact assessment of marine renewable energy installations
Journal Article
Maclean, I. M., Inger, R., Benson, D., Booth, C. G., Embling, C. B., Grecian, W. J., Heymans, J. J., Plummer, K. E., Shackshaft, M., Sparling, C. E., Wilson, B., Wright, L. J., Bradbury, G., Christen, N., Godley, B. J., Jackson, A. C., McCluskie, A., Nicholls-Lee, R., & Bearhop, S. (2014). Resolving issues with environmental impact assessment of marine renewable energy installations. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1, Article 75.
Dr James Grecian's Outputs (5)
Testing for sub-colony variation in seabird foraging behaviour: ecological and methodological consequences for understanding colonial living (2014)
Journal Article
Waggitt, J., Briffa, M., Grecian, W., Newton, J., Patrick, S., Stauss, C., & Votier, S. (2014). Testing for sub-colony variation in seabird foraging behaviour: ecological and methodological consequences for understanding colonial living. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 498, 275-285.
Inter- and intra-year variation in foraging areas of breeding kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) (2014)
Journal Article
Robertson, G., Bolton, M., Grecian, W., & Monaghan, P. (2014). Inter- and intra-year variation in foraging areas of breeding kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). Marine Biology, 161(9), 1973-1986.
Resource partitioning in three congeneric sympatrically breeding seabirds: Foraging areas and prey utilization (2014)
Journal Article
Robertson, G., Bolton, M., Grecian, W., Wilson, L., Davies, W., & Monaghan, P. (2014). Resource partitioning in three congeneric sympatrically breeding seabirds: Foraging areas and prey utilization.
Individual differences in searching behaviour and spatial foraging consistency in a central place marine predator (2014)
Journal Article
Patrick, S. C., Bearhop, S., Gremillet, D., Lescroel, A., Grecian, W. J., Bodey, T. W., Hamer, K. C., Wakefield, E., Le Nuz, M., & Votier, S. C. (2014). Individual differences in searching behaviour and spatial foraging consistency in a central place marine predator. Oikos, 123(1), 33-40.