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Dr James Grecian's Outputs (34)

Geolocator‐tracking seabird migration and moult reveal large‐scale, temperature‐driven isoscapes in the NE Atlantic (2023)
Journal Article
Atkins, K., Bearhop, S., Bodey, T. W., Grecian, W. J., Hamer, K., Pereira, J. M., Meinertzhagen, H., Mitchell, C., Morgan, G., Morgan, L., Newton, J., Sherley, R. B., & Votier, S. C. (2023). Geolocator‐tracking seabird migration and moult reveal large‐scale, temperature‐driven isoscapes in the NE Atlantic. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 37(9),

Rationale By combining precision satellite-tracking with blood sampling, seabirds can be used to validate marine carbon and nitrogen isoscapes, but it is unclear whether a comparable approach using low-precision light-level geolocators (GLS) and feat... Read More about Geolocator‐tracking seabird migration and moult reveal large‐scale, temperature‐driven isoscapes in the NE Atlantic.

aniMotum, an R package for animal movement data: Rapid quality control, behavioural estimation and simulation (2023)
Journal Article
Jonsen, I. D., Grecian, W. J., Phillips, L., Carroll, G., McMahon, C., Harcourt, R. G., Hindell, M. A., & Patterson, T. A. (2023). aniMotum, an R package for animal movement data: Rapid quality control, behavioural estimation and simulation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(3),

Animal tracking data are indispensable for understanding the ecology, behaviour and physiology of mobile or cryptic species. Meaningful signals in these data can be obscured by noise due to imperfect measurement technologies, requiring rigorous quali... Read More about aniMotum, an R package for animal movement data: Rapid quality control, behavioural estimation and simulation.

Sexual segregation of gannet foraging over 11 years: movements vary but isotopic differences remain stable (2021)
Journal Article
Clark, B. L., Cox, S. L., Atkins, K. M., Bearhop, S., Bicknell, A. W., Bodey, T. W., Cleasby, I. R., Grecian, W. J., Hamer, K. C., Loveday, B. R., Miller, I. P., Morgan, G., Morgan, L., Newton, J., Patrick, S. C., Scales, K. L., Sherley, R. B., Vigfusdottir, F., Wakefield, E. D., & Votier, S. C. (2021). Sexual segregation of gannet foraging over 11 years: movements vary but isotopic differences remain stable. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 661, 1-16.

A continuous-time state-space model for rapid quality control of argos locations from animal-borne tags (2020)
Journal Article
Jonsen, I. D., Patterson, T. A., Costa, D. P., Doherty, P. D., Godley, B. J., Grecian, W. J., Guinet, C., Hoenner, X., Kienle, S. S., Robinson, P. W., Votier, S. C., Whiting, S., Witt, M. J., Hindell, M. A., Harcourt, R. G., & McMahon, C. R. (2020). A continuous-time state-space model for rapid quality control of argos locations from animal-borne tags. Movement Ecology, 8(1), Article 31.

Important At-Sea Areas of Colonial Breeding Marine Predators on the Southern Patagonian Shelf (2019)
Journal Article
Baylis, A. M., Tierney, M., Orben, R. A., Warwick-Evans, V., Wakefield, E., Grecian, W. J., Trathan, P., Reisinger, R., Ratcliffe, N., Croxall, J., Campioni, L., Catry, P., Crofts, S., Boersma, P. D., Galimberti, F., Granadeiro, J., Handley, J., Hayes, S., Hedd, A., Masello, J. F., …Brickle, P. (2019). Important At-Sea Areas of Colonial Breeding Marine Predators on the Southern Patagonian Shelf. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 8517.

Individual Spatial Consistency and Dietary Flexibility in the Migratory Behavior of Northern Gannets Wintering in the Northeast Atlantic (2019)
Journal Article
Grecian, W. J., Williams, H. J., Votier, S. C., Bearhop, S., Cleasby, I. R., Gremillet, D., Hamer, K. C., Le Nuz, M., Lescroel, A., Newton, J., Patrick, S. C., Phillips, R. A., Wakefield, E. D., & Bodey, T. W. (2019). Individual Spatial Consistency and Dietary Flexibility in the Migratory Behavior of Northern Gannets Wintering in the Northeast Atlantic. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, Article 214.

Understanding the ontogeny of foraging behaviour: insights from combining marine predator bio-logging with satellite-derived oceanography in hidden Markov models (2018)
Journal Article
Grecian, W. J., Lane, J. V., Michelot, T., Wade, H. M., & Hamer, K. C. (2018). Understanding the ontogeny of foraging behaviour: insights from combining marine predator bio-logging with satellite-derived oceanography in hidden Markov models. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface, 15(143), Article 20180084.

Effects of age and reproductive status on individual foraging site fidelity in a long-lived marine predator (2017)
Journal Article
Votier, S. C., Fayet, A. L., Bearhop, S., Bodey, T. W., Clark, B. L., Grecian, J., Guilford, T., Hamer, K. C., Jeglinski, J. W., Morgan, G., Wakefield, E., & Patrick, S. C. (2017). Effects of age and reproductive status on individual foraging site fidelity in a long-lived marine predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1859), Article 20171068.

Seabird diversity hotspot linked to ocean productivity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (2016)
Journal Article
Grecian, W. J., Witt, M. J., Attrill, M. J., Bearhop, S., Becker, P. H., Egevang, C., Furness, R. W., Godley, B. J., Gonzalez-Solis, J., Gremillet, D., Kopp, M., Lescroel, A., Matthiopoulos, J., Patrick, S. C., Peter, H.-U., Phillips, R. A., Stenhouse, I. J., & Votier, S. C. (2016). Seabird diversity hotspot linked to ocean productivity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Biology Letters, 12(8), Article 20160024.

GPS tracking reveals rafting behaviour of Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus): implications for foraging ecology and conservation (2016)
Journal Article
Carter, M. I., Cox, S. L., Scales, K. L., Bicknell, A. W., Nicholson, M. D., Atkins, K. M., Morgan, G., Morgan, L., Grecian, W. J., Patrick, S. C., & Votier, S. C. (2016). GPS tracking reveals rafting behaviour of Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus): implications for foraging ecology and conservation. Bird Study, 63(1), 83-95.