A Matter of Stories: Transcorporeal Entanglements in ‘The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye’
Book Chapter
Franchi, B. (in press). A Matter of Stories: Transcorporeal Entanglements in ‘The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye’. In A. Cheira (Ed.), A. S. Byatt and the Wonder Tale. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Dr Barbara Franchi's Outputs (5)
Writing and Weaving the neo-Victorian Decadence: A. S. Byatt’s Golden Ekphrasis (2020)
Book Chapter
Franchi, B. (in press). Writing and Weaving the neo-Victorian Decadence: A. S. Byatt’s Golden Ekphrasis. In K. Boyiopoulos, & J. Thorne (Eds.), Neo-Victorian Decadences. Brill Rodopi
Explorers, Doctors and Butlers: Queer Masculinity and Empire in Wilkie Collins's The Moonstone (2018)
Book Chapter
Franchi, B. (2018). Explorers, Doctors and Butlers: Queer Masculinity and Empire in Wilkie Collins's The Moonstone. In B. Franchi, & E. Mutlu (Eds.), Crossing Borders in Victorian Travel: Spaces, Nations and Empires (40-64). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Dangerous Mothers and their Children: Writing and Other Secrets in Possession and The Children’s Book (2017)
Book Chapter
Franchi, B. (2017). Dangerous Mothers and their Children: Writing and Other Secrets in Possession and The Children’s Book. In A. Parey, & I. Roblin (Eds.), A. S. Byatt, Before and After Possession: Recent Critical Approaches (143-159). Presses Universitaires de Lorraine
Travelling Across Worlds and Texts in A. S. Byatt’s Sea Narratives (2016)
Book Chapter
Franchi, B. (2016). Travelling Across Worlds and Texts in A. S. Byatt’s Sea Narratives. In C. Mathieson (Ed.), Sea Narratives: Cultural Responses to the Sea, 1600-Present (195-216). Palgrave. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-58116-7_8