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Molly Manister's Outputs (4)

From peers and parks to patriarchy and poverty: inequalities in young people’s experiences of extra-familial harm and the child protection system (2023)
Book Chapter
Wroe, L., Lloyd, J., & Manister, M. (2023). From peers and parks to patriarchy and poverty: inequalities in young people’s experiences of extra-familial harm and the child protection system. In C. Firmin, & J. Lloyd (Eds.), Contextual Safeguarding: The Next Chapter (17-29). Policy Press.

A body of social work literature evidences the relationship between the wider contexts of young people’s lives, such as poverty, austerity, racism and so on, their experiences of harm and the child protection response to it. This literature casts a l... Read More about From peers and parks to patriarchy and poverty: inequalities in young people’s experiences of extra-familial harm and the child protection system.

Identifying and responding to structural and system drivers of extra-familial harm using a Contextual Safeguarding approach (2023)
Book Chapter
Manister, M., Wroe, L., & Adams Elias, C. (2023). Identifying and responding to structural and system drivers of extra-familial harm using a Contextual Safeguarding approach. In C. Firmin, & J. Lloyd (Eds.), Contextual Safeguarding: The Next Chapter (30-43). Policy Press.

As the previous chapter has shown, there is a case to be made for thinking about context beyond physical location and into how inequalities shape the places and spaces where young people spend their time. By exploring how racism, poverty, ableism, se... Read More about Identifying and responding to structural and system drivers of extra-familial harm using a Contextual Safeguarding approach.

‘This has given people what is needed’: progress and pitfalls for establishing child protection pathways in England that address significant harm beyond families (2023)
Journal Article
Firmin, C., & Manister, M. (2023). ‘This has given people what is needed’: progress and pitfalls for establishing child protection pathways in England that address significant harm beyond families. Child and family law quarterly, 35(2), 159-182

Child protection systems, and the legal frameworks underpinning them, are central to safeguarding young people at risk of significant harm. However, their design often assumes that the risks young people need protecting from are attributable to the a... Read More about ‘This has given people what is needed’: progress and pitfalls for establishing child protection pathways in England that address significant harm beyond families.

Social Care Responses to Children who Experience Criminal Exploitation and Violence: The Conditions for a Welfare Response (2023)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J., Manister, M., & Wroe, L. (2023). Social Care Responses to Children who Experience Criminal Exploitation and Violence: The Conditions for a Welfare Response. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(8), 3725-3743.

This article explores social care responses to children experiencing criminal exploitation and violence. The article draws on data from two children’s social care departments in England applying a Contextual Safeguarding framework to extra-familial h... Read More about Social Care Responses to Children who Experience Criminal Exploitation and Violence: The Conditions for a Welfare Response.