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Dr Nelly Bencomo's Outputs (6)

History-aware explanations: towards enabling human-in-the-loop in self-adaptive systems (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Parra-Ullauri, J., Garcia-Dominguez, A., Bencomo, N., & Garcia Paucar, L. (2022, October). History-aware explanations: towards enabling human-in-the-loop in self-adaptive systems. Presented at MODELS '22: 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Montreal, Canada

The complexity of real-world problems requires modern software systems to autonomously adapt and modify their behaviour at run time to deal with internal and external challenges and contexts. Consequently, these self-adaptive systems (SAS) can show u... Read More about History-aware explanations: towards enabling human-in-the-loop in self-adaptive systems.

The Implications of ‘Soft’ Requirements (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sutcliffe, A., Sawyer, P., & Bencomo, N. (2022, August). The Implications of ‘Soft’ Requirements. Presented at IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Melbourne, Australia

A new focus for RE is investigated as ‘soft’ requirements which extends non-functional requirements / soft goals with a collection of people-oriented phenomena: values, motivations, emotions, and other socio-political issues that may influence the re... Read More about The Implications of ‘Soft’ Requirements.

The Uncertainty Interaction Problem in Self-Adaptive Systems (2022)
Journal Article
Camara, J., Troya1, J., Vallecillo, A., Bencomo, N., Calinescu, R., Cheng, B., Garlan, D., & Schmerl, B. (2022). The Uncertainty Interaction Problem in Self-Adaptive Systems. Software and Systems Modeling, 21(4), 1277-1294.

The problem of mitigating uncertainty in self-adaptation has driven much of the research proposed in the area of software engineering for self-adaptive systems in the last decade. Although many solutions have already been proposed, most of them tend... Read More about The Uncertainty Interaction Problem in Self-Adaptive Systems.

Decision-Making Support for Adaptive Learning Management Systems based on Bayesian Inference (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bencomo, N., Samin, H., & Pavlich-Mariscal, J. (2022, July). Decision-Making Support for Adaptive Learning Management Systems based on Bayesian Inference. Paper presented at CausalEDM'22, Durham

A novel approach will be applied to the domain of virtual education, which involves an adaptive learning management system using Bayesian Learning. The student's progress is considered partially observable based on what has been monitored. The acquir... Read More about Decision-Making Support for Adaptive Learning Management Systems based on Bayesian Inference.

A Bayesian Network-based model to understand the role of soft requirements in technology acceptance: the Case of the NHS COVID-19 Test and Trace App in England and Wales (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Garcia-Paucar, L., Bencomo, N., Sutcliffe, A., & Sawyer, P. (2022, April). A Bayesian Network-based model to understand the role of soft requirements in technology acceptance: the Case of the NHS COVID-19 Test and Trace App in England and Wales. Presented at 37th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC'2022), Brno, Czech Republic

Soft requirements (such as human values, motivations, and personal attitudes) can strongly influence technology acceptance. As such, we need to understand, model and predict decisions made by end users regarding the adoption and utilization of softwa... Read More about A Bayesian Network-based model to understand the role of soft requirements in technology acceptance: the Case of the NHS COVID-19 Test and Trace App in England and Wales.

Decision-making under uncertainty: be aware of your priorities (2022)
Journal Article
Samin, H., Bencomo, N., & Sawyer, P. (2022). Decision-making under uncertainty: be aware of your priorities. Software and Systems Modeling, 21(6), 2213-2242.

Self-adaptive systems (SASs) are increasingly leveraging autonomy in their decision-making to manage uncertainty in their operating environments. A key problem with SASs is ensuring their requirements remain satisfied as they adapt. The trade-off ana... Read More about Decision-making under uncertainty: be aware of your priorities.