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Dr Nelly Bencomo's Outputs (2)

Automated Provenance Collection at Runtime as a Cross-Cutting Concern (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
James Reynolds, O., García-Domínguez, A., & Bencomo, N. (2023, October). Automated Provenance Collection at Runtime as a Cross-Cutting Concern. Presented at 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), Västerås, Sweden

Autonomous decision-making is increasingly applied to handle highly dynamic, uncertain environments: as incorrect decisions can cause serious harm to individuals or society, there is a need for accountability. For systems that use runtime models to r... Read More about Automated Provenance Collection at Runtime as a Cross-Cutting Concern.

To download or not to download the Covid-19 Track and Trace App? What is more influential in users’ minds? (2023)
Journal Article
Sutcliffe, A., Bencomo, N., Darby, A., Paucar, L. H., & Sawyer, P. (2023). To download or not to download the Covid-19 Track and Trace App? What is more influential in users’ minds?. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 180, Article 103140.

to investigate the role of values in technology acceptance in general and in the context of the UK Covid Track and Trace App.

A survey and interview study was conducted to elicit users’ perceptions of values in general, values... Read More about To download or not to download the Covid-19 Track and Trace App? What is more influential in users’ minds?.