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Dr Rachel Staddon's Outputs (2)

Why Didn't the Pre-Arrival Intervention to Combat Maths Anxiety Work? (2023)
Journal Article
Mathias, J., & Staddon, R. V. (2023). Why Didn't the Pre-Arrival Intervention to Combat Maths Anxiety Work?. Journal of the Foundation Year Network, 6, 99-112

There has been a growing demand for advanced quantitative skills in UK workplaces in the last twenty years. In response to this, the foundation programme in this study mandates social science, business and biology students to complete a 30-credit mat... Read More about Why Didn't the Pre-Arrival Intervention to Combat Maths Anxiety Work?.

Exploring higher education students’ perspectives on factors affecting use, attitudes and confidence with learning technologies (2023)
Journal Article
Staddon, R. V. (2023). Exploring higher education students’ perspectives on factors affecting use, attitudes and confidence with learning technologies. International Journal of Instruction, 16(2), 31-52

The use of technology in higher education has become unavoidable. Between the “pivot” to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic and pressure from universities to integrate technology innovatively within courses, educators are increasingly turni... Read More about Exploring higher education students’ perspectives on factors affecting use, attitudes and confidence with learning technologies.