“Written evidence submitted by Associate Professor Henry C Midgley, Durham University, Professor Laurence Ferry, Durham University, & Honorary Professor Aileen Murphie, Durham University to the Housing, Communities and Local Committee’s inquiry into “The Funding and Sustainability of Local Government Finance” (Reference FSF 018)
Midgley, H. C., Ferry, L., & Murphie, A. (2025). “Written evidence submitted by Associate Professor Henry C Midgley, Durham University, Professor Laurence Ferry, Durham University, & Honorary Professor Aileen Murphie, Durham University to the Housing, Communities and Local Committee’s inquiry into “The Funding and Sustainability of Local Government Finance” (Reference FSF 018). Local Government Select Committee
Dr Henry Midgley's Outputs (5)
Submission to the Committee’s inquiry into Office for Local Government (Oflog) (2024)
Ferry, L., & Midgley, H. (2024). Submission to the Committee’s inquiry into Office for Local Government (Oflog). Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee
Ministerial Directions (2023)
Ferry, L., Murphie, A., & Midgley, H. (2023). Ministerial Directions. [No known commissioning body]
Timeliness of local auditor reporting on local government in England (2023)
Ferry, L., & Midgley, H. (2023). Timeliness of local auditor reporting on local government in England. [No known commissioning body]We welcome this Public Accounts Committee (PAC) inquiry and the National Audit Office (NAO) report, that it is based upon. Whilst for obvious reasons associated with COVID-19, financial accounts and annual reports of local authorities have been laid... Read More about Timeliness of local auditor reporting on local government in England.
Evidence submission to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee inquiry into financial reporting and audit in local authorities (2023)
Ferry, L., & Midgley, H. (2023). Evidence submission to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee inquiry into financial reporting and audit in local authorities. [No known commissioning body]