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Adriano Poci's Outputs (2)

The MAGPI survey: evidence against the bulge–halo conspiracy (2024)
Journal Article
Derkenne, C., McDermid, R. M., Santucci, G., Poci, A., Thater, S., Bellstedt, S., Mendel, J. T., Foster, C., Harborne, K. E., Lagos, C. D. P., Wisnioski, E., Croom, S., Remus, R.-. S., Valenzuela, L. M., van de Sande, J., Sweet, S. M., & Ziegler, B. (2024). The MAGPI survey: evidence against the bulge–halo conspiracy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(2), 1300-1320.

The distribution of stellar orbits in eagle galaxies – the effect of mergers, gas accretion, and secular evolution (2024)
Journal Article
Santucci, G., Lagos, C. D. P., Harborne, K. E., Ludlow, A., Proctor, K. L., Foster, C., …Walo Martín, D. (2024). The distribution of stellar orbits in eagle galaxies – the effect of mergers, gas accretion, and secular evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(2), 2326-2345.

The merger history of a galaxy is thought to be one of the major factors determining its internal dynamics, with galaxies having undergone different types or mergers (e.g. dry, minor, or major mergers) predicted to show different dynamical properties... Read More about The distribution of stellar orbits in eagle galaxies – the effect of mergers, gas accretion, and secular evolution.