Jack (Judith) Halberstam
Book Chapter
Brice, S. (2024). Jack (Judith) Halberstam. In P. Hubbard, R. Kitchin, M. Gilmartin, & S. Roberts (Eds.), Key Thinkers on Space and Place. (3rd edition). SAGE Publications
Dr Sage Brice's Outputs (4)
Resistance without subjects: friction and the non-representational geography of everyday (2023)
Book Chapter
Brice, S. (2023). Resistance without subjects: friction and the non-representational geography of everyday. In S. Hughes (Ed.), Critical Geographies of Resistance (59-75). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800882881.00012This chapter looks at the question of resistance in light of current geographical approaches - informed by a range of posthumanist and non-representational theories - that aim to decentre the pre-individuated subject as a unit of social and political... Read More about Resistance without subjects: friction and the non-representational geography of everyday.
The ontopolitics of gender as transindividual relation (2022)
Book Chapter
Berlin, S., & Brice, S. (2022). The ontopolitics of gender as transindividual relation. In C. Cremin (Ed.), Deleuze, Guattari, and the Schizoanalysis of Trans Studies (9-34). Bloomsbury
Riding the Tide: Socially-engaged art and resilience in an uncertain future (2017)
Book Chapter
Brice, S., & Fernandez-Arconada, S. (2017). Riding the Tide: Socially-engaged art and resilience in an uncertain future. In E. Trell, B. Restemeyer, M. Bakema, & B. van Hoven (Eds.), Governing for Resilience in Vulnerable Places. Routledge