Star formation at the smallest scales: a JWST study of the clump populations in SMACS0723
Journal Article
Claeyssens, A., Adamo, A., Richard, J., Mahler, G., Messa, M., & Dessauges-Zavadsky, M. (2023). Star formation at the smallest scales: a JWST study of the clump populations in SMACS0723. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(2), 2180-2203.
We present the clump populations detected in 18 lensed galaxies at redshifts 1--8.5 within the lensing cluster field SMACS0723. The recent JWST Early Release Observations of this poorly known region of the sky have revealed numerous point-like source... Read More about Star formation at the smallest scales: a JWST study of the clump populations in SMACS0723.