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Dr Tomas Zelinsky's Outputs (7)

Increasing understanding of the aspirations and expectations of Roma students (2021)
Journal Article
Zelinsky, T., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2021). Increasing understanding of the aspirations and expectations of Roma students. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 42(4), 588-606.

Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe, and despite the efforts of national governments and international institutions in many countries, the majority still live below the poverty line. It is estimated that only approximately 20 per cent of a... Read More about Increasing understanding of the aspirations and expectations of Roma students.

Trends in Subjective Income Poverty Rates in the European Union (2021)
Journal Article
Želinský, T., Mysíková, M., & Garner, T. I. (2022). Trends in Subjective Income Poverty Rates in the European Union. European Journal of Development Research, 34(5), 2493-2516.

When developing anti-poverty policies, policymakers need accurate data on the prevalence of poverty. In this paper, we focus on subjective poverty, a concept which has been largely neglected in the literature, though it remains a conceptually appeali... Read More about Trends in Subjective Income Poverty Rates in the European Union.

Subjective Well-being, Income, and Ethnicity in Slovakia (2021)
Journal Article
Želinský, T. (2022). Subjective Well-being, Income, and Ethnicity in Slovakia. Journal of Poverty, 26(4), 271-296.

This paper utilizes two measures of subjective well-being to test a hypothesis that a marginal increase in subjective well-being associated with a marginal increase in income is larger for poorer than for richer populations. This hypothesis is examin... Read More about Subjective Well-being, Income, and Ethnicity in Slovakia.

Intertemporal Choices of Children and Adults from Poor Roma Communities: A Case Study from Slovakia (2021)
Journal Article
Želinský, T. (online). Intertemporal Choices of Children and Adults from Poor Roma Communities: A Case Study from Slovakia. Eastern European Economics,

Poverty may have negative consequences on people’s economic behavior and literature has documented close links between time discounting and poverty. This paper investigates intertemporal choices made by children and adults from segregated Roma commun... Read More about Intertemporal Choices of Children and Adults from Poor Roma Communities: A Case Study from Slovakia.

The effects of population density on subjective well-being: A case-study of Slovakia (2021)
Journal Article
Želinský, T., Hudec, O., Mojsejová, A., & Hricová, S. (2021). The effects of population density on subjective well-being: A case-study of Slovakia. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 78, Article 101061.

The main objective of the study is to examine the effects of population density on individuals’ subjective well-being (SWB). The physical characteristics of the built environment have recently received more attention regarding their role in influenci... Read More about The effects of population density on subjective well-being: A case-study of Slovakia.

Equivalence Scale and Income Poverty: Two Approaches to Estimate Country-specific Scale for the Czech Republic (2021)
Journal Article
Mysíková, M., Želinský, T., Jirková, M., & Večerník, J. (2021). Equivalence Scale and Income Poverty: Two Approaches to Estimate Country-specific Scale for the Czech Republic. Social Indicators Research, 156(1), 21-45.

The at-risk-of-poverty rate, the relative income poverty indicator applied in the EU, can be highly sensitive to the equivalence scale used to transform household income to an equivalent for individuals. This study applies two well-established approa... Read More about Equivalence Scale and Income Poverty: Two Approaches to Estimate Country-specific Scale for the Czech Republic.