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Dr Coreen McGuire's Outputs (4)

Measuring difference, numbering normal: Setting the standards for disability in the interwar period (2020)
McGuire, C. (2020). Measuring difference, numbering normal: Setting the standards for disability in the interwar period. Manchester University Press.

Measuring difference, numbering normal provides a detailed study of the technological construction of disability by examining how the audiometer and spirometer were used to create numerical proxies for invisible and inarticulable experiences. Measure... Read More about Measuring difference, numbering normal: Setting the standards for disability in the interwar period.

Objects of safety and imprisonment: Breathless patients’ use of medical objects in a palliative setting (2020)
Journal Article
Binnie, K., McGuire, C., & Carel, H. (2021). Objects of safety and imprisonment: Breathless patients’ use of medical objects in a palliative setting. Journal of Material Culture, 26(2), 122-141.

In this article, the authors consider breathless adults with advanced non-malignant lung disease and their relationship with health objects. This issue is especially relevant now during the Covid-19 pandemic, where the experiences of breathlessness a... Read More about Objects of safety and imprisonment: Breathless patients’ use of medical objects in a palliative setting.