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Joshua Leigh's Outputs (5)

Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway (2024)
Journal Article
Leigh, J. R., Jones, R. S., Stokes, C. R., Evans, D. J. A., Carr, J. R., & Andreassen, L. M. (2024). Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 53(4, Special issue: Late Middle Pleistocene (MIS 11‐6) in Europe), 619-654.

Here we present the first Lateglacial and Holocene glacial history from Rotsunddalen, northern Troms and western Finnmark county, northern Norway, based on both relative and numerical moraine dating using Schmidt hammer, soil chronosequencing and ter... Read More about Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway.

An inventory of Norway's glaciers and ice-marginal lakes from 2018–19 Sentinel-2 data (2022)
Journal Article
Andreassen, L. M., Nagy, T., Kjøllmoen, B., & Leigh, J. R. (2022). An inventory of Norway's glaciers and ice-marginal lakes from 2018–19 Sentinel-2 data. Journal of Glaciology, 68(272), 1085-1106.

We used Sentinel-2 satellite imagery at 10 m resolution to map the extent of Norway's glaciers and ice-marginal lakes over 2018–19. We applied a standardized semi-automated band ratio method to derive glacier outlines and ice-marginal lakes. To optim... Read More about An inventory of Norway's glaciers and ice-marginal lakes from 2018–19 Sentinel-2 data.

Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway (2021)
Journal Article
Leigh, J., Evans, D., Stokes, C., Andreassen, L., & Carr, R. (2021). Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway. Journal of Maps, 17(2), 348-366.

Here we present a glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of a ∼6800 km2 region of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway. The map is presented at a 1:115,000 scale with the aim of characterising the spatial distribution of glacial and... Read More about Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway.

Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway (2020)
Journal Article
Leigh, J., Stokes, C., Evans, D., Carr, R., & Andreassen, L. (2020). Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 52(1), 281-311.

Glaciers are important indicators of climate change, and recent observations worldwide document increasing rates of mountain glacier recession. Here we present approximately 200 years of change in mountain glacier extent in northern Troms and western... Read More about Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway.