‘Digital pruning’ helps women protect their mental health
Hockin-Boyers, H., Pope, S., & Jamie, K. (2021). ‘Digital pruning’ helps women protect their mental health
Dr Hester Hockin-Boyers' Outputs (4)
Can women curate their social media feed to protect mental health? (2021)
Digital Artefact
Hockin-Boyers, H., Pope, S., & Jamie, K. (2021). Can women curate their social media feed to protect mental health?. [Durham University Thought Leadership]
The politics of #diversifyyourfeed in the context of Black Lives Matter (2021)
Journal Article
Hockin-Boyers, H., & Clifford-Astbury, C. (2021). The politics of #diversifyyourfeed in the context of Black Lives Matter. Feminist Media Studies, 21(3), 504-509. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2021.1925727In the past decade, the idiom “diversify your feed” (DYF) has emerged concurrently with the rise of social media and communicates the idea that “following” accounts presenting a range of bodies and identities online creates inclusive digital environm... Read More about The politics of #diversifyyourfeed in the context of Black Lives Matter.
Women, exercise and eating disorder recovery: The normal and the pathological (2021)
Journal Article
Hockin-Boyers, H., & Warin, M. (2021). Women, exercise and eating disorder recovery: The normal and the pathological. Qualitative Health Research, 31(6), 1029-1042. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732321992042The appropriate form, regularity, and intensity of exercise for individuals recovering from eating disorders is not agreed upon among health care professionals or researchers. When exercise is permitted, it is that which is mindful, embodied, and non... Read More about Women, exercise and eating disorder recovery: The normal and the pathological.