Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption
Journal Article
Rose, T., Edge, A., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Hamer, S., Nesvadba, N., Peck, A., Sarazin, C., Tremblay, G., Baum, S., Bremer, M., McNamara, B., O’Dea, C., Oonk, J., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Donahue, M., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., Mittal, R., & Vantyghem, A. (2019). Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 349-365.
To advance our understanding of the fuelling and feedback processes which power the Universe’s most massive black holes, we require a significant increase in our knowledge of the molecular gas which exists in their immediate surroundings. However, th... Read More about Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption.