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Kesson Magid's Outputs (1)

Childhood ecology influences salivary testosterone, pubertal age and stature of Bangladeshi UK migrant men (2018)
Journal Article
Magid, K., Chatterton, R. T., Ahamed, F. U., & Bentley, G. R. (2018). Childhood ecology influences salivary testosterone, pubertal age and stature of Bangladeshi UK migrant men. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2(7), 1146-1154.

Male reproductive investment is energetically costly, and measures of human reproductive steroid hormones (testosterone), developmental tempo (pubertal timing) and growth (stature) correlate with local ecologies at the population level. It is unclear... Read More about Childhood ecology influences salivary testosterone, pubertal age and stature of Bangladeshi UK migrant men.