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Fernando Galaz-García's Outputs (36)

Free torus actions and twisted suspensions (2025)
Journal Article
Galaz Garcia, F., & Reiser, P. (2025). Free torus actions and twisted suspensions. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 13, Article e3.

We express the total space of a principal circle bundle over a connected sum of two manifolds in terms of the total spaces of circle bundles over each summand, provided certain conditions hold. We then apply this result to provide sufficient conditio... Read More about Free torus actions and twisted suspensions.

Metric geometry of spaces of persistence diagrams (2024)
Journal Article
Che, M., Galaz Garcia, F., Guijarro, L., & Membrillo Solis, I. (2024). Metric geometry of spaces of persistence diagrams. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 8(8), 2197-2246.

Persistence diagrams are objects that play a central role in topological data analysis. In the present article, we investigate the local and global geometric properties of spaces of persistence diagrams. In order to do this, we construct a family of... Read More about Metric geometry of spaces of persistence diagrams.

Kurdyka–Łojasiewicz functions and mapping cylinder neighborhoods (2024)
Journal Article
Cibotaru, D., & Galaz-García, F. (online). Kurdyka–Łojasiewicz functions and mapping cylinder neighborhoods. Annales de l'Institut Fourier,

Kurdyka–Łojasiewicz (KŁ) functions are real-valued functions characterized by a differential inequality involving the norm of their gradient. This class of functions is quite rich, containing objects as diverse as subanalytic, transnormal or Morse fu... Read More about Kurdyka–Łojasiewicz functions and mapping cylinder neighborhoods.

Basic metric geometry of the bottleneck distance (2024)
Journal Article
Che, M., Galaz-García, F., Guijarro, L., Membrillo Solis, I., & Valiunas, M. (2024). Basic metric geometry of the bottleneck distance. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152(8), 3575-3591.

Given a metric pair (X, A), i.e. a metric space X and a distinguished closed set A ⊂ X, one may construct in a functorial way a pointed pseudometric space D∞(X, A) of persistence diagrams equipped with the bottleneck distance. We investigate the basi... Read More about Basic metric geometry of the bottleneck distance.

Three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces: A survey (2022)
Book Chapter
Galaz-García, F., & Núñez-Zimbrón, J. (2022). Three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces: A survey. In G. Arizmendi Echegaray, L. Hernández-Lamoneda, & R. Herrera Guzmán (Eds.), Recent Advances in Alexandrov Geometry (49-88). Springer Verlag.

We survey several results concerning the geometry and topology of threedimensional Alexandrov spaces with the aim of providing a panoramic and up-to-date view of the subject. In particular we present the classification of positively and nonnegatively... Read More about Three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces: A survey.

Stability of the cut locus and a Central Limit Theorem for Fréchet means of Riemannian manifolds (2021)
Journal Article
Eltzner, B., Galaz-García, F., Huckemann, S. F., & Tuschmann, W. (2021). Stability of the cut locus and a Central Limit Theorem for Fréchet means of Riemannian manifolds. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149(9), 3947-3963.

We obtain a central limit theorem for closed Riemannian manifolds, clarifying along the way the geometric meaning of some of the hypotheses in Bhattacharya and Lin’s Omnibus central limit theorem for Fréchet means. We obtain our CLT assuming certain... Read More about Stability of the cut locus and a Central Limit Theorem for Fréchet means of Riemannian manifolds.

Collapsed 3-Dimensional Alexandrov Spaces: A Brief Survey (2020)
Book Chapter
Galaz-García, F., Guijarro, L., & Núñez-Zimbrón, J. (2020). Collapsed 3-Dimensional Alexandrov Spaces: A Brief Survey. In O. Dearricott, W. Tuschmann, Y. Nikolayevsky, T. Leistner, & D. Crowley (Eds.), Differential geometry in the large (291-310). Cambridge University Press.

We survey two recent developments in the topic of three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces: the topological classification of closed collapsed threedimensional Alexandrov spaces and the geometrization of sufficiently collapsed closed three-dimensional Ale... Read More about Collapsed 3-Dimensional Alexandrov Spaces: A Brief Survey.

Cohomogeneity one Alexandrov spaces in low dimensions (2020)
Journal Article
Galaz-García, F., & Zarei, M. (2020). Cohomogeneity one Alexandrov spaces in low dimensions. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 58(2), 109-146.

Alexandrov spaces are complete length spaces with a lower curvature bound in the triangle comparison sense. When they are equipped with an effective isometric action of a compact Lie group with one-dimensional orbit space, they are said to be of coho... Read More about Cohomogeneity one Alexandrov spaces in low dimensions.

Positive Ricci curvature on simply-connected manifolds with cohomogeneity-two torus actions (2020)
Journal Article
Corro, D., & Galaz-García, F. (2020). Positive Ricci curvature on simply-connected manifolds with cohomogeneity-two torus actions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148(7), 3087-3097.

We show that for each n 1, there exist infinitely many spin and non-spin diffeomorphism types of closed, smooth, simply-connected (n + 4)- manifolds with a smooth, effective action of a torus T n+2 and a metric of positive Ricci curvature invariant u... Read More about Positive Ricci curvature on simply-connected manifolds with cohomogeneity-two torus actions.

Torus actions on rationally elliptic manifolds (2020)
Journal Article
Galaz-García, F., Kerin, M., & Radeschi, M. (2021). Torus actions on rationally elliptic manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 297, 197-221.

An upper bound is obtained on the rank of a torus which can act smoothly and effectively on a smooth, closed (simply connected) rationally elliptic manifold. In the maximal-rank case, the manifolds admitting such actions are classified up to equivari... Read More about Torus actions on rationally elliptic manifolds.

Cohomogeneity one topological manifolds revisited (2017)
Journal Article
Galaz-García, F., & Zarei, M. (2018). Cohomogeneity one topological manifolds revisited. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 288(3-4), 829-853.

We prove a structure theorem for closed topological manifolds of cohomogeneity one; this result corrects an oversight in the literature. We complete the equivariant classification of closed, simply-connected cohomogeneity one topological manifolds in... Read More about Cohomogeneity one topological manifolds revisited.

Torus Orbifolds, Slice-Maximal Torus Actions, and Rational Ellipticity (2017)
Journal Article
Galaz-García, F., Kerin, M., Radeschi, M., & Wiemeler, M. (2018). Torus Orbifolds, Slice-Maximal Torus Actions, and Rational Ellipticity. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2018(18), 5786-5822.

In this work, it is shown that a simply connected, rationally elliptic torus orbifold is equivariantly rationally homotopy equivalent to the quotient of a product of spheres by an almost-free, linear torus action, where this torus has rank equal to t... Read More about Torus Orbifolds, Slice-Maximal Torus Actions, and Rational Ellipticity.