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Professor Christina Riggs' Outputs (46)

Discussing knowledge in the making (2015)
Book Chapter
Riggs, C. (2015). Discussing knowledge in the making. In W. Carruthers (Ed.), Histories of Egyptology: Interdisciplinary Measures (129-38). Routledge

Egypt (2015)
Book Chapter
Riggs, C. (2015). Egypt. In E. A. Friedland, M. G. Sobocinski, & E. K. Gazda (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture (552-68). Oxford University Press

Mourning women and decorum in ancient Egyptian art (2013)
Book Chapter
Riggs, C. (2013). Mourning women and decorum in ancient Egyptian art. In E. Frood, & A. McDonald (Eds.), Decorum and Experience: Essays in Ancient Culture for John Baines (156-62). Peeters Publishers

Greco-Roman Egypt (2013)
Book Chapter
Riggs, C. (2013). Greco-Roman Egypt. In D. Hicks, & A. Stevenson (Eds.), World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: A Characterization (115-21). Archaeopress

Ethnicity (2012)
Digital Artefact
Riggs, C. (2012). Ethnicity

The body (2010)
Digital Artefact
Riggs, C. (2010). The body