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Professor Leah Morabito's Outputs (4)

The Far-Infrared Radio Correlation at low radio frequency with LOFAR/H-ATLAS   (2018)
Journal Article
Read, S., Smith, D., Gürkan, G., Hardcastle, M., Williams, W., Best, P., Brinks, E., Calistro-Rivera, G., Chyży, K., Duncan, K., Dunne, L., Jarvis, M., Morabito, L., Prandoni, I., Röttgering, H., Sabater, J., & Viaene, S. (2018). The Far-Infrared Radio Correlation at low radio frequency with LOFAR/H-ATLAS  . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(4),

Revolutionizing Our Understanding of AGN Feedback and its Importance to Galaxy Evolution in the Era of the Next Generation Very Large Array (2018)
Journal Article
Nyland, K., Harwood, J., Mukherjee, D., Jagannathan, P., Rujopakarn, W., Emonts, B., Alatalo, K., Bicknell, G., Davis, T., Greene, J., Kimball, A., Lacy, M., Lonsdale, C., Lonsdale, C., Maksym, W., Molnár, D., Morabito, L., Murphy, E., Patil, P., Prandoni, I., …Vlahakis, C. (2018). Revolutionizing Our Understanding of AGN Feedback and its Importance to Galaxy Evolution in the Era of the Next Generation Very Large Array. Astrophysical Journal, 859(1),