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Dr Irene Wieczorek's Outputs (4)

What model for extradition between Hong Kong and mainland China? A comparison between the 2019 (withdrawn) amendment to Hong Kong extradition law and the European Arrest Warrant 2020 (2020)
Journal Article
Wieczorek, I., & Yanhong, Y. (2020). What model for extradition between Hong Kong and mainland China? A comparison between the 2019 (withdrawn) amendment to Hong Kong extradition law and the European Arrest Warrant 2020. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 11(4), 504-523.

This article provides an analysis of the bill proposed in 2019 to amend Hong Kong Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (FOO), Hong Kong domestic legislation on extradition. The FOO Amendment Bill introduced the possibility of, and detailed the conditions for... Read More about What model for extradition between Hong Kong and mainland China? A comparison between the 2019 (withdrawn) amendment to Hong Kong extradition law and the European Arrest Warrant 2020.

Norm diffusion as a tool to uphold and promote EU values and interests: A case study on the EU Japan Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement (2020)
Journal Article
Weyembergh, A., & Wieczorek, I. (2020). Norm diffusion as a tool to uphold and promote EU values and interests: A case study on the EU Japan Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 11(4), 439-466.

The article takes the European Union (EU)-Japan Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) Agreement as a case study to analyse the EU success in pursuing its art 3(5) TEU mandate of upholding and promoting its values and interests; and to what extent the EU effe... Read More about Norm diffusion as a tool to uphold and promote EU values and interests: A case study on the EU Japan Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement.

The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law (2020)
Wieczorek, I. (2020). The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law. Hart Publishing

This book traces the history of the EU competence, EU policy discourse and EU legislation in the field of criminalisation from Maastricht until the present day. It asks 'Why EU Criminal Law?' looking at what rationales the Treaty, policy document and... Read More about The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law.

The principle of Subsidiarity in EU Criminal Law (2020)
Book Chapter
Wieczorek, I. (2020). The principle of Subsidiarity in EU Criminal Law. In C. Brière, & A. Weyembergh (Eds.), The needed balances in EU Criminal Law: past present and future. Hart Publishing