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Dr Irene Wieczorek's Outputs (3)

Transfer of prisoners and extradition cases between Europe and Japan: legal and practical challenges (2022)
Book Chapter
Wieczorek, I., & Weyembergh, A. (2022). Transfer of prisoners and extradition cases between Europe and Japan: legal and practical challenges. In S. Matsuzawa, A. Weyembergh, & I. Wieczorek (Eds.), Europe and Japan Cooperation in the Fight against Cross-border Crime: Challenges and Perspectives (1-24). Routledge.

This chapter explores the law and the practice of cooperation between Japan and European States in the two fields of extradition and transfers of prisoners. These areas of cooperation are considered particularly sensitive from a fundamental rights, a... Read More about Transfer of prisoners and extradition cases between Europe and Japan: legal and practical challenges.

EU Harmonisation of Norms Regulating Detention: Is EU Competence (Art. 82(2)b TFEU) Fit for Purpose? (2022)
Journal Article
Wieczorek, I. (2022). EU Harmonisation of Norms Regulating Detention: Is EU Competence (Art. 82(2)b TFEU) Fit for Purpose?. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(3), 465-481.

The EU has acquired the competence to harmonise individual rights in the field of criminal procedure (Art. 82(2)b TFEU). This was hailed as a positive development helping redress the unbalance towards a too security-oriented development of the Area o... Read More about EU Harmonisation of Norms Regulating Detention: Is EU Competence (Art. 82(2)b TFEU) Fit for Purpose?.

The European Parliament as a defender of EU values in EU-Japan agreements: what role for soft law and hard law powers? (2022)
Journal Article
Fahey, E., & Wieczorek, I. (2022). The European Parliament as a defender of EU values in EU-Japan agreements: what role for soft law and hard law powers?. European law review, 47(3), 331-352

This article investigates to what extent the European Parliament (hereafter the Parliament) acted as an advocate for EU values in the development of EU-Japan relations, through which legal tools, if hard law or soft law powers, and with what legal ou... Read More about The European Parliament as a defender of EU values in EU-Japan agreements: what role for soft law and hard law powers?.