Introduction: ‘The best living woman poet’
Book Chapter
Riddell, F., Girdwood, M., & Bratton, F. (2024). Introduction: ‘The best living woman poet’. In F. Bratton, M. Girdwood, & F. Riddell (Eds.), Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies (1-21). Palgrave Macmillan.
Dr Fraser Riddell's Outputs (5)
Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies (2024)
Bratton, F., Girdwood, M., & Riddell, F. (Eds.). (2024). Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies. Palgrave Macmillan. collection of essays explores the life and works of the British poet and author of short stories Charlotte Mew (1869-1928). It represents the first volume dedicated solely to critical engagement with the full range of Mew’s poetry, fiction and e... Read More about Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies.
The Manuscript of Vernon Lee’s ‘A Wicked Voice’ (1890): A Critical Introduction and Transcription (2024)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (in press). The Manuscript of Vernon Lee’s ‘A Wicked Voice’ (1890): A Critical Introduction and Transcription. Studies in Walter Pater and aestheticism, 9,
“Glued together, gushing”: Sticking with John Addington Symonds (2024)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2024). “Glued together, gushing”: Sticking with John Addington Symonds. Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures, 2(1), 134-144. review article considers recent work on the queer Victorian writer John Addington Symonds, a central figure in the history of homosexuality. It examines monographs by Shane Butler and Simon Joyce and a novel by Tom Crewe. It focusses, in particu... Read More about “Glued together, gushing”: Sticking with John Addington Symonds.
Sounding out the history of homosexuality (2024)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2024). Sounding out the history of homosexuality. The Lancet, 403(10431), 1016-1017.