Masculinity and the Labouring Body
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (2025). Masculinity and the Labouring Body. In M. Dubois (Ed.), Gerard Manley Hopkins in Context (193-201). Cambridge University Press.
Dr Fraser Riddell's Outputs (6)
Introduction: ‘The best living woman poet’ (2024)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F., Girdwood, M., & Bratton, F. (2024). Introduction: ‘The best living woman poet’. In F. Bratton, M. Girdwood, & F. Riddell (Eds.), Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies (1-21). Palgrave Macmillan.
Queer Pastoral Soundscapes and the Idyllic Voice: Vernon Lee, A. Mary F. Robinson and Lady Archibald Campbell (2023)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (2023). Queer Pastoral Soundscapes and the Idyllic Voice: Vernon Lee, A. Mary F. Robinson and Lady Archibald Campbell. In T. Hughes, & E. Merkling (Eds.), The Victorian Idyll in Art and Literature: Subject, Ecology, Form. New York: Routledge.
Vernon Lee’s ‘A Wicked Voice’ (1890): Music and Queerness in Decadent Fiction (2023)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (in press). Vernon Lee’s ‘A Wicked Voice’ (1890): Music and Queerness in Decadent Fiction. In P. Weliver, & K. Ellis (Eds.), Reading Texts in Music and Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer
‘Now—For a Breath I Tarry’: Breath, Desire and Queer Materialism at the Fin de Siècle (2021)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (2021). ‘Now—For a Breath I Tarry’: Breath, Desire and Queer Materialism at the Fin de Siècle. In C. Saunders, D. Fuller, & J. Macnaughton (Eds.), The Life of Breath in Literature, Culture and Medicine: Classical to Contemporary (345-365). (1). Palgrave Macmillan. explores how tropes of breath and breathlessness articulate the relationship between materiality, desire, and loss for queer subjects in Victorian literature. The essay presents readings of A. E. Housman’s A Shropshire Lad, John Addington Sym... Read More about ‘Now—For a Breath I Tarry’: Breath, Desire and Queer Materialism at the Fin de Siècle.
Hearing: Bodies Resounding in Decadent Literature (2021)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (2021). Hearing: Bodies Resounding in Decadent Literature. In J. Desmarais, & D. Weir (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Decadence (507-524). Oxford University Press. article explores the significance of the body in decadent writing about music. It focuses on the fictional and nonfictional writings of the American journalist and critic James Gibbons Huneker (1857–1921). Huneker’s texts demonstrate the strikin... Read More about Hearing: Bodies Resounding in Decadent Literature.