Queer Pastoral Soundscapes and the Idyllic Voice: Vernon Lee, A. Mary F. Robinson and Lady Archibald Campbell
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (2023). Queer Pastoral Soundscapes and the Idyllic Voice: Vernon Lee, A. Mary F. Robinson and Lady Archibald Campbell. In T. Hughes, & E. Merkling (Eds.), The Victorian Idyll in Art and Literature: Subject, Ecology, Form. New York: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003327998-7
Dr Fraser Riddell's Outputs (6)
Review of Sarah Green, Sexual Restraint and Aesthetic Experience in Victorian Literary Decadence (2023)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2023). Review of Sarah Green, Sexual Restraint and Aesthetic Experience in Victorian Literary Decadence. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 45(5), 513-515. https://doi.org/10.1080/08905495.2023.2275347
Vernon Lee’s ‘A Wicked Voice’ (1890): Music and Queerness in Decadent Fiction (2023)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (in press). Vernon Lee’s ‘A Wicked Voice’ (1890): Music and Queerness in Decadent Fiction. In P. Weliver, & K. Ellis (Eds.), Reading Texts in Music and Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer
Review of Kristin Mahoney, Queer Kinship after Wilde: Transnational Decadence and the Family (2023)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (in press). Review of Kristin Mahoney, Queer Kinship after Wilde: Transnational Decadence and the Family. Studies in Walter Pater and aestheticism, 8,
'Musical under the touch of the Universe': Aesthetic Liberalism, Music, and Vernon Lee's Essayistic Art of Resonance (2023)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2023). 'Musical under the touch of the Universe': Aesthetic Liberalism, Music, and Vernon Lee's Essayistic Art of Resonance. Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, 5(2), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.25602/gold.v.v5i2.1663.g1776
Vernon Lee's 'Aristocratic Pastorals: Notes from London' (1885) - An Introduction and Translation (2023)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2023). Vernon Lee's 'Aristocratic Pastorals: Notes from London' (1885) - An Introduction and Translation. Studies in Walter Pater and aestheticism, 7, 73-86