Self-Induced Abortion in South Africa and Section 10 of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996
Journal Article
Pickles, C. (2017). Self-Induced Abortion in South Africa and Section 10 of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996. South African Journal on Human Rights, 33(3), 496-506.
Dr Camilla Pickles' Outputs (3)
Pregnancy Law in South Africa: Between Reproductive Autonomy and Foetal Interests (2017)
Pickles, C. (2017). Pregnancy Law in South Africa: Between Reproductive Autonomy and Foetal Interests. (New Edition). Juta
Feticide: Continuing the Search for a Unified Approach to the Unborn (2017)
Journal Article
Pickles, C. (2017). Feticide: Continuing the Search for a Unified Approach to the Unborn. Tydskrif vir hedendaagse romeins-hollandse reg, 80(1), 44-61Die artikel oorweeg die vraagstuk van “feticide” en die moontlike toepassing daarvan in Suid Afrika binne die konteks van geweld teen swanger vroue wat lei tot die beëindiging van 'n swangerskap. S v Mshumpa 2008 1 SACR 126 (OK) bevestig dat die geme... Read More about Feticide: Continuing the Search for a Unified Approach to the Unborn.