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Joanna Moore's Outputs (3)

Combining dental calculus with isotope analysis in the Alps: New evidence from the Roman and medieval cemeteries of Lamon, Italy (2021)
Journal Article
Fiorin, E., Moore, J., Montgomery, J., Mariotti Lippi, M., Nowell, G., & Forlin, P. (2023). Combining dental calculus with isotope analysis in the Alps: New evidence from the Roman and medieval cemeteries of Lamon, Italy. Quaternary International, 653–654, 89-102.

This study presents the results of integrated isotopic and dental calculus analyses of a number of individuals buried in two cemeteries of Roman and medieval chronology in Lamon(Belluno), northern Italy. Eleven individuals from the Roman cemetery of... Read More about Combining dental calculus with isotope analysis in the Alps: New evidence from the Roman and medieval cemeteries of Lamon, Italy.

Poisoned pregnancies: consequences of prenatal lead exposure in relation to infant mortality in the Roman Empire. (2021)
Book Chapter
Moore, J., Williams-Ward, M., Filipek, K., Gowland, R., & Montgomery, J. (2021). Poisoned pregnancies: consequences of prenatal lead exposure in relation to infant mortality in the Roman Empire. In E. J. Kendall, & R. Kendall (Eds.), The Family in Past Perspective: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Familial Relationships Through Time (137-158). Routledge

Large families were often a desired outcome of Roman marriages; laws were even passed to encourage procreation. Despite this, large families were not the norm. The high infant mortality, miscarriage and stillbirth rates throughout this period probabl... Read More about Poisoned pregnancies: consequences of prenatal lead exposure in relation to infant mortality in the Roman Empire..

Death Metal: Evidence for the impact of lead poisoning on childhood health within the Roman Empire (2021)
Journal Article
Moore, J., Filipek, K., Kalenderian, V., Gowland, R., Hamilton, E., Evans, J., & Montgomery, J. (2021). Death Metal: Evidence for the impact of lead poisoning on childhood health within the Roman Empire. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 31(5), 846-856.

The use of lead was ubiquitous throughout the Roman Empire, including material for water pipes, eating vessels, medicine, and even as a sweetener for wine. The toxicity of lead is well established today, resulting in long-term psychological and neuro... Read More about Death Metal: Evidence for the impact of lead poisoning on childhood health within the Roman Empire.