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Joanna Moore's Outputs (3)

Diet and social status in the Lejasbitēni Iron Age population from Latvia (2022)
Journal Article
Pētersone-Gordina, E., Gerhards, G., Vilcāne, A., Millard, A. R., Moore, J., Ķimsis, J., & Ranka, R. (2022). Diet and social status in the Lejasbitēni Iron Age population from Latvia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 44, Article 103519.

This study reports the first dietary stable isotope data from Iron Age in Latvia. Archaeological, osteological, genetic, and stable isotope data from the Lejasbitēni cemetery were used to study gendered differences in childhood diet expressed in stab... Read More about Diet and social status in the Lejasbitēni Iron Age population from Latvia.

Creating communities of care: Sex estimation and mobilityhistories of adolescents buried in the cemetery of St. MaryMagdalen leprosarium (Winchester, England) (2022)
Journal Article
Filipek, K., Roberts, C., Montgomery, J., Gowland, R., Moore, J., Tucker, K., & Evans, J. (2022). Creating communities of care: Sex estimation and mobilityhistories of adolescents buried in the cemetery of St. MaryMagdalen leprosarium (Winchester, England). American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 178(1), 108-123.

Objectives: This study examines the biological sex and geographical origins of adolescents buried at the St Mary Magdalen leprosarium (Winchester, UK). The data are combined with archaeological and palaeopathological evidence to broaden the understan... Read More about Creating communities of care: Sex estimation and mobilityhistories of adolescents buried in the cemetery of St. MaryMagdalen leprosarium (Winchester, England).

Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age (2022)
Journal Article
Patterson, N., Isakov, M., Booth, T., Büster, L., Fischer, C.-E., Olalde, I., Ringbauer, H., Akbari, A., Cheronet, O., Bleasdale, M., Adamski, N., Altena, E., Bernardos, R., Brace, S., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Callan, K., Candilio, F., Culleton, B., Curtis, E., Demetz, L., …Reich, D. (2022). Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age. Nature, 601(7894),