Investigation into the effect of skin tone modulators and exogenous stress on skin pigmentation utilizing a novel bioengineered skin equivalent
Journal Article
Goncalves, K., De Los Santos Gomez, P., Costello, L., Smith, L., Mead, H., Simpson, A., & Przyborski, S. (2023). Investigation into the effect of skin tone modulators and exogenous stress on skin pigmentation utilizing a novel bioengineered skin equivalent. Bioengineering and Translational Medicine, 8(2), Article e10415.
Human skin equivalents (HSEs) are a popular technology due to limitations in animal testing, particularly as they recapitulate aspects of structure and function of human skin. Many HSEs contain two basic cell types to model dermal and epidermal compa... Read More about Investigation into the effect of skin tone modulators and exogenous stress on skin pigmentation utilizing a novel bioengineered skin equivalent.