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Professor Rudolf Sinkovics' Outputs (2)

Institutional Theory and MNEs’ Contributions to Social Safety Net in Local Markets: Subsidiary Perspective (2017)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., & Park, B.-I. (2017). Institutional Theory and MNEs’ Contributions to Social Safety Net in Local Markets: Subsidiary Perspective. International Business Journal, 28(1.2),

Using institutional theory, this paper attempts to identify key external and internal institutional pressures that act to facilitate MNE subsidiaries' contributions to social safety nets in local markets. According to regression results, coercive law... Read More about Institutional Theory and MNEs’ Contributions to Social Safety Net in Local Markets: Subsidiary Perspective.

Exploring the relationship between upgrading and capturing profits from GVC participation for disadvantaged suppliers in developing countries (2017)
Journal Article
Choksy, U. S., Sinkovics, N., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2017). Exploring the relationship between upgrading and capturing profits from GVC participation for disadvantaged suppliers in developing countries. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 34(4), 356-386.

The existing literature on global value chains (GVCs) suggests that functional upgrading is a key determinant of whether suppliers are able to capture higher profits in GVCs. However, it is unclear whether the same argument holds for disadvantaged su... Read More about Exploring the relationship between upgrading and capturing profits from GVC participation for disadvantaged suppliers in developing countries.