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Biography I have worked as a Post-doctoral Research Associate for the Durham University Evidence Centre for Education, managing EdTech Innovation Test-bed trials funded by Nesta and DfE. I have also collected data on educational programmes such as Glasses in Classes, Philosophy for Children, and Understanding the Complex Determinants of Teacher Shortages. My expertise is developing and analysing process evaluation tools, questionnaire designs, and project management liaison with schools, colleges, and government organisations. Over the past ten years, I have studied and worked within British primary and secondary schools as a researcher across private and state-funded sections. My research interests primarily lie in music education, including Britain’s notable choir school education. My PhD was focused on the overall education of English Cathedral choristers and its particular cultural and social aspects. 2023 I initiated two whole school music and poetry events at Shincliffe Primary School and St. Oswald’s Primary School in Durham.
Research Interests Music Education
Teaching and Learning Course instructor for Module EDUC47620: Conceptual Perspectives in Education