Re-associating Identities: DNA and ethics of identifications in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jugo, A. (2015, December). Re-associating Identities: DNA and ethics of identifications in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presented at Technologies of Identification and Responses to Mass Death, PEALS 15th Annual International Symposium, Newcastle, UK
Admir Jugo's Outputs (6)
Claims of Ownership - Artefacts and personal effects from mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina as symbols of persons, forensic evidence or public relics? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jugo, A. (2015, December). Claims of Ownership - Artefacts and personal effects from mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina as symbols of persons, forensic evidence or public relics?. Presented at Traces matérielles de la mort d e masse: l’objet exhumé, Marseilles, France
VII. Desensamblar los pedazos, ensamblar lo social: las vidas forenses y políticas de las fosas comunes secundarias en Bosnia y Herzegovina (2015)
Book Chapter
secundarias en Bosnia y Herzegovina. In S. Garibian, E. Anstett, & J. Dreyfus (Eds.), Restos humanos e identificación. Violencia de masa, genocidio y el "giro forense" (135-162). (Spanish reprint of 2015 book). Miño y Dávila srl
Disassembling the pieces, reassembling the social: the forensic and political lives of secondary mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015)
Book Chapter
Jugo, A., & Wastell, S. (2015). Disassembling the pieces, reassembling the social: the forensic and political lives of secondary mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In É. Anstett, & J. Dreyfus (Eds.), Human remains and identification: mass violence, genocide, and the ‘forensic turn’ (142-174). Manchester University Press
Social and Economic Rights of Conflict Related Sexual Violence Survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Obstacles and Challenges (2015)
Serdarevic, N., & Jugo, A. (in press). Social and Economic Rights of Conflict Related Sexual Violence Survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Obstacles and Challenges. [No known commissioning body]
Ghosts of the past: The competing agendas of forensic work in identifying the missing across Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015)
Journal Article
Jugo, A., & Škulj, S. (2015). Ghosts of the past: The competing agendas of forensic work in identifying the missing across Bosnia and Herzegovina. Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(1), 39-56. interventions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that ultimately brought the war to a standstill, emphasised recovering and identifying the missing as chief among the goals of post-war repair and reconstruction, aiming to unite a heavily divide... Read More about Ghosts of the past: The competing agendas of forensic work in identifying the missing across Bosnia and Herzegovina.