Memory Politics and Forensic Practices: Exhuming Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Missing Persons
Book Chapter
Jugo, A., & Wagner, S. (2017). Memory Politics and Forensic Practices: Exhuming Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Missing Persons. In Z. Dziuban (Ed.), Mapping the 'forensic turn' : engagements with materialities of mass death in Holocaust studies and beyond (195-241). New Academic Press
Admir Jugo's Outputs (5)
Rassembler les pièces: exhumations de personnes disparues lors du conflit en Bosnie-Herzégovine (2016)
Book Chapter
Jugo, A., & Wagner, S. (2016). Rassembler les pièces: exhumations de personnes disparues lors du conflit en Bosnie-Herzégovine. In J. Guliaine, & J. Sémelin (Eds.), Violences de guerre, violences de masse : une approche archéologique (275-286). La Découverte & INARP
VII. Desensamblar los pedazos, ensamblar lo social: las vidas forenses y políticas de las fosas comunes secundarias en Bosnia y Herzegovina (2015)
Book Chapter
secundarias en Bosnia y Herzegovina. In S. Garibian, E. Anstett, & J. Dreyfus (Eds.), Restos humanos e identificación. Violencia de masa, genocidio y el "giro forense" (135-162). (Spanish reprint of 2015 book). Miño y Dávila srl
Disassembling the pieces, reassembling the social: the forensic and political lives of secondary mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015)
Book Chapter
Jugo, A., & Wastell, S. (2015). Disassembling the pieces, reassembling the social: the forensic and political lives of secondary mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In É. Anstett, & J. Dreyfus (Eds.), Human remains and identification: mass violence, genocide, and the ‘forensic turn’ (142-174). Manchester University Press
Missing Persons Ossuaries and Societal Safety - When Security and Justice Have No Gender (2013)
Book Chapter
Jugo, A., Wastell, S., & Alic, A. (in press). Missing Persons Ossuaries and Societal Safety - When Security and Justice Have No Gender. In D. Arsenijevic, & T. Flessenkamper (Eds.), What is the Gender of Security? (199-220). Sarajevo Open Centre & EUPM