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Professor Colm O'Cofaigh's Outputs (119)

On the architecture of high-latitude continental margins: the influence of ice-sheet and sea-ice proceses in the Polar North Atlantic. (2002)
Book Chapter
Dowdeswell, J., Ó Cofaigh, C., Taylor, J., Kenyon, N., Mienert, J., & Wilken, M. (2002). On the architecture of high-latitude continental margins: the influence of ice-sheet and sea-ice proceses in the Polar North Atlantic. In J. Dowdeswell, & C. Ó Cofaigh (Eds.), Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude continental margins (33-54). The Geological Society

Experimental constraints on shear mixing rates and processes: implications for the dilution of submarine debris flows. (2002)
Book Chapter
Talling, P., Peakall, J., Sparks, R., Ó Cofaigh, C., Dowdeswell, J., Felix, M., …Weaver, P. (2002). Experimental constraints on shear mixing rates and processes: implications for the dilution of submarine debris flows. In J. Dowdeswell, & C. Ó Cofaigh (Eds.), Glacier-Influenced Sedimentation on High-Latitude Continental Margins (89-103). Geological Society

Evolution of subglacial bedforms along a paleo-ice stream, Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf (2002)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., Pudsey, C., Dowdeswell, J., & Morris, P. (2002). Evolution of subglacial bedforms along a paleo-ice stream, Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(8),

Geophysical data from the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf reveal streamlined subglacial bedforms in a cross-shelf trough. Bedforms exhibit progressive elongation with distance along the trough, and record flow of a paleo-ice stream from the Ant... Read More about Evolution of subglacial bedforms along a paleo-ice stream, Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf.

Deforming bed conditions associated with a major ice stream of the last British ice sheet (2001)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2001). Deforming bed conditions associated with a major ice stream of the last British ice sheet. Geology, 29(9), 795-798.

The Irish Sea ice stream was the largest ice stream to drain the last British ice sheet, and around the margins of the Celtic Sea it deposited a shelly diamict facies that has been variously interpreted as subglacial till or distal glacial marine mud... Read More about Deforming bed conditions associated with a major ice stream of the last British ice sheet.

Tunnel valley genesis. (1996)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C. (1996). Tunnel valley genesis. Progress in Physical Geography, 20, 1-19